


3 years, 6 months ago



Demon of deceit


RACE - Demon

TYPE - Vessel of Inquity

ORDER - Demon

PRONOUNS - Any, prefers he/him


    If you disagree with Luciel on anything you will probably find yourself feeling as if you are arguing with a brick wall, as he is incredibly stubborn and won’t give up on his views easily. His stubbornness often gets in the way of getting close with others and as a result he doesn’t really have any friends. 


Short, very light grey hair. Almost white.

Very pale white skin. Not fleshy white like a human but a ghostly white.

Soft features.

One blue eye, the other eye was clawed out by an angel.

Two blue ram-esque horns and a long blue salamander tail.

Generally wears his white blouse and black pants but wears priest attire when in a service.

Necklaces and charms featuring Christian iconographies.

Generally appears as a man in his late 20s

His human form has pale skin and blonde hair. He loses his horns, tail, and pointed ears. He takes this form when preaching regular services at his church but assumes his demon form when performing services to demon-only congregations.


Luciel’s original job as a demon was to stir up trouble amidst the human world by spreading lies and falsehoods. However, living among humans for so long and interacting with angels made him feel as if there was something else he could be doing. He saw how much better the angels had it than demons and figured it wouldn’t be too hard to get other demons on his side on the matter. He began preaching to the other demons in hell about how they should rise against the angels and take their souls and their wings so that the demons could be cleansed of their sins by God. Some demons agreed with his views, but many saw them as heresy. Luciel was eventually punished for being a heretic by being stripped of his title and getting banished to Earth. He now continues his practices solely in the human world and still manages to draw a crowd of demons.