trade's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

  • You may not resell a design for more than you paid for it in real currency unless significant changes are made to the design or at least 2 more art pieces are added.
  • I don't really care how much you sell it for in fake online currency with the exception of robux.
  • You absolutely cannot delete my designs. If you decide to sell the character to someone off-website, you need to take the responsibility of holding the character for them. If you want the character gone, give it away to someone who will appreciate it. If you make the design private or unlisted, you must authorize me on that character's page or you risk being blacklisted.
  • You may always gift or trade.
  • You may not sell, gift, or trade my designs to people on the blacklist.
  • If you break my rules, you can still keep the design however I will blacklist you from owning any of my designs in the future.