


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




Cis Male


Outwardly a friendly and caring person. He appears to put all others above himself. However, in reality he's very self-serving. He'll do things that he thinks make him look nice according to his own convenience, otherwise he'll wave requests away with a sweet "oh I'm so sorry I'm busy that day" type of excuse.


Nikolai grew up in a perfectly nice family. His parents gave him any material thing he could desire. They even bought servants just to be his friends. Unfortunately, they failed to realize he needed their attention as well.

As time went on, he tried very hard to get their attention by acting out. At first, it was small things like covering the walls in crayon or "accidentally" smashing plates. Eventually, he started doing things outside the house, too, such as stealing shiny trinkets from the store. His parents always ended up paying for them though and it didn't seem to matter to them. The nanny might tell him off, but he got the impression he could do no wrong and his parents would always bail him out. His thefts got more and more extravagant overtime and he derived great joy from a successful mission. It all seemed like one big game.

When he grew up he of course realized he was committing crimes, but it was just a part of his life now. He didn't care. He was no longer doing it for his parents either, only for himself. He left his parents' care as soon as possible.

He'd grown up on an extravagant lifestyle that he found he couldn't let go of. In order to continue living like he wanted, he made theft his full-time job. As such, he began calling himself "The Restless Ringmaster." He was careful to wear a mask and keep all DNA off any crime scenes. Anybody who could attach a name to him from his time as a child was silenced by his parents. Their last gift to him as he liked to think of it.

As his infamy grew, other small thieves attracted to him and his fanciful ways. Slowly, a ring of thieves built around him. Few were allowed to interact with him outside of missions. And so his dual life of night thievery and day philanthropy began.