


3 years, 3 months ago


Owner: ShadowFox1412

Name: Manuka

Bloodline: N/A

Birthdate: February 23rd

Upload Date: February 23rd, 2021

Parents: Duncan, Taron

Gender: Male

Favorite toy or game: enjoys free running along the rocky crags of the volcano.

Personality: Manuka is energetic and strong willed bordering on  arrogant. Despite this he is quite kind in his own way often looking out  for his much shyer and less confident sibling often attempting to  encourage him to be much more open or at least more confident in  himself.

Random facts: often follows Romeo to the river and attempts to splash him by dropping into the water.

Stats: STR – 7 | RES – 4 | WIS – 3 | CHA – 7 | DEX – 9

Traits: Ears: C | Tails: R | Fangs: UC | Size: UC | Eyes: L

Alt Traits: Horns: N/A | Wings: N/A | Glowies: N/A | Feathers: N/A

God Trait(s): N/A

Mutation: Double pupil

Special Base: N/A