


3 years, 3 months ago


Hulle is an alien of a species called the Leione, due to their resemblance to lions. These creatures are empaths, with the green fluff on their bodies being capable of sensing brain waves that tell them the emotions of their prey. This ability was originally evolved to help the Leione more easily track prey and be able to predict their next moves, but when the Leione began to have contact with other interstellar species it was discovered that the brain waves of many organic life forms tend to behave in similar ways. Thus, it is now often used by Leione to excel in careers that deal with emotions and conflict resolution, such as being therapists, diplomats, or neuroscientists. On the other hand, this has also led to the stereotype that Leione are too "soft" to be tough or ruthless. Hulle seeks to challenge this stereotype, as he believes that any being can be anything they want, regardless of their species' limitations or tendencies. This caused him to try to join a bounty hunters' guild.