
3 years, 3 months ago


Virus is usually extremely lethargic and depressive. She has volatile emotions and can go easily from being complecent to trying to murder in an instant. Her mind is broken and her body never heals because of a venom from the beast that attacked her. She can never be whole but she can also never die.

Virus lost her family when a beast came out of the treeline on an outing and attacked her daughter. Her and her mate tried to fight it, but her mate was also killed and she was left broken and bleeding. Demeter happened upon the scene and took care of her, as well as buried her mate and child. She lost her well to live but demeter stayed by her and refused to let her die.  She started following him as a means to an end, blindly obeying his orders at first to keep from having to think for herself. As time went on, the venom from the beast that kept her wounds fresh but never let her die began to affect her mind and she began to have issues controlling herself. The beast connected to her mental patterns through his venom. She began to attack Demeter and fight him randomly. Her outburst would be so violent the demeter would sometimes needs days to recover but still he stayed. He began to restrain her in her bouts until she finally slipped away to return to the hill her family died and face her past. She engaged in a fight and was surprised to find demeter still by her side. They killed the beast and a tree sprouted from the ground where its body fell. Virus has stabled out a lot mentally with the break in connection from the beast but she can still have violent mood swings.

Virus stayed with Demeter and follows by his side. She is his and he is hers. She may never be able to return to love he holds for her and he accepts that, but she will never leave his side.