Basic Info


Young Adult Human Age 22-25




Pikus Fox by PrePAWSterous


Smart, helpful, caring, creative, curious




Father Obed Brother Luke


Nothing solid


None yet

Best Friend

Ashar and Soleado the Pikus Foxes


This species is a P2U Species that you can use once you buy the lineart by PrePAWSterous who created the species. You can buy the lineart here.


This is Zeruiah one of the most beautiful Pikus Fox and also one of the smartest. She has no time for males who treat females like objects. She is smart and she see's that as a greater asset then her beauty. She takes care of herself and likes to take long baths in hot springs in the mountains during winter and spends summer with Soleado on the beach but always makes sure she isn't followed before she goes as she has had male Pikus Fox follow her before. She wants a male Pikus Fox who is kind, sweet, smart, and likes the outdoors and hunting for rare stones. She has yet to find a male who fits the bill but doesn't realize the Pikus Fox she is describing is Ashar her childhood best friend due to denial and his hobby being secret. He knows nothing of her love of rare stones and due to his shyness and and scar on his face is too afraid to tell her how he feels. His scar he got from Peni his older brother who is a bully and jock.

 Zuriah's best friend is Soleado they love hanging out at water themed places, having fun, and catching some sunshine. They like to play capture the stick with Luke and his best friend Aquila. When alone on rainy days Zuriah and Soleado like to make lists of things found on beaches, mountains, or forests and will then go there the next sunny day and race to find the most objects before sundown.

1 Timothy 2:1-2

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

If you have any questions about Jesus feel encouraged to send me a note. Hate notes though will be ignored, and won't bother me so it'd be a waste of your time.