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Name Riley Matthews
called Rye, Rye Bread 
age 19
gender Female (she/her)
sexuality Bi, prefers women
status Single
occupation College Student
story/universe Chatoyant
aesthetic [link]
About this character


Riley is a self-proclaimed bad-ass, a lover of all things punk and/or goth in style, and a snack enthusiast. She is Marceline's twin sister, and by far the more outgoing of the two. She's loud and says a lot of rude things that she doesn't always mean. Though she's not too heavy of a drinker, she's very much enjoying her newfound freedom in college, and loving the party side of things. She figures she has four years of college (at least) to figure out what she wants to do with her life, so she might as well have fun while she's young.

Riley currently attends Terrace University with her sister, and lives in Dorm B. She is taking several random classes to see if she finds something she likes, but nothing's stuck just yet. Her interests include bugs, vinyl records, punk fashion, and snacks, but she hasn't figured out how to make a living out of any of those, so she's just waiting for something to come to her. 

History & fAMILY

Riley and her twin sister Marceline were raised a few hours from Terrace Town, and they moved shortly before high school started. Always the more sports-inclined of the twins, Riley excelled in track & field, and considered trying out for baseball. She discovered she was bisexual about halfway into her freshman year of high school and told her parents, who reacted poorly. In retaliation, Riley stopped trying as hard in school, got in more fights, and did anything she could to upset her parents. About a year later, when Marceline came out as a lesbian, their parents did some serious soul-searching and became supportive of the two. To this day, their parents actively try to support them in everything they do. Riley still doesn't get along well with her mother, but she and her dad enjoy watching shitty comedy movies together when she's home from school.

In high school, Riley found herself in several fights. She had a short temper and a lot of pride, which led to many, many scuffles and trips to the principle's office. In their junior year, Marceline was attacked after school and taken by several boys in her class. She was sexually assaulted, and when Riley found her, the fight that followed nearly left one of the boys dead. Because of her history of violence, Riley was almost put on trial for attempted murder. Though she wasn't convicted in the end, she did spend three months in jail on minor assault charges. She still has a short temper and a rebellious streak that gets her into plenty of trouble, but she does her best to behave because she doesn't want to go back to jail. 


  • Riley once spray painted a cartoon pig on the side of an unattended cop car. It's her proudest moment to date.
  • Riley talked her sister into doing matching/opposite hairstyles, and redyes their hair once a week.
  • Despite her dislike for police, Riley's favorite animal is a pig.

  • Pizza, chips, snacks... basically any food that could be classified as "junk"
  • Socializing, whether it's a night out at a bar or crowded around a movie in the dorm. She just loves hanging out with people and making them laugh.
  • Bugs. She used to collect them when she was a kid, but now she just takes tons of pictures of them with her old flip-phone. Grasshoppers are her favorite.
  • Girls in fishnets. It's her weakness. <3

  • Frat boys. She loves to play pranks on them, but hates being around them. She thinks they're obnoxious and completely lacking in personality or sense of style.
  • Mustard. Gross.
  • Body hair. She shaves religiously, and gets a lot of complaints about holding up the dorm bathroom.
  • Police officers. She's had more than a few encounters with them that have gone very poorly.

