BTA's Comments

Okay I have no clue how nobody has offered for this cutie yet and because he's a fox??? Damn he got me good. 

I'm one for heavily believing that I should try ans stay as near as possible to their orginal personality, and he is no question. I noticed the word news reporter on his full body shot and thats given me an idea. 

At first I didnt think he'd fit too well in the fictional world im building, but seeing that I think he'd fit well as a bit of a conic relief character? No matter where or who the adventurers are, he is there to join them completely randomly, just wherever he thinks there will be a good story. The adventurers are fighting a boss? He's there, reporting it. They're underwater? He's reporting it. No matter where or how, he will be there- even if there is no logical way! He will be there. 

Its a bit of one if my sillier ideas, but I think that's good! You need a bit of silliness to lighten the tone of your stories sometimes! 

Plus i think I'd give him his own story, showing his side of things that could really develop his character :3 he's too cute to just be used as comic relief 

I would love to read that if you get him!

Aaaa thank you! I really hope sugarcubes likes my design as much as you do :3