

Arshul Yler 

15 - Nonbinary - Felloresian Demon 

   They're not quite a nerd, and they're not quite a jock... So what are they? They're bored, that's what they are. This young student is one out of a group of five "friends". They don't really want a whole lot to do with them all since none of their personalities mix well together... Cherry's too preppy while Kawmi's too goth! They wish Bradley would stop being so damn dumb and cute and honestly they just enjoys hanging out with Shelby... They've been friends the longest after all! 

   They're the youngest out of these five, but definitely acts the oldest. They're each too busy with their own issues, and they just wants to pass their classes. Out of everyone, Arshul and Shelby excell in school. 

 Personal Info - Nonbinary.png?width=500&height=300800px-Asexual_Pride_Flag.png?width=500&hlatest.png?width=1169&height=701

Pronouns They/Them
Sexuality Asexual Homoromantic
Height 2'11
Faction Mystic

 Current living - locations_mountains2.png

Planet Earth
Country Lamia
City Orawell
Occupation Student

Made with pieces of code from Eggy and Hukiolukio