


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info



Name Meaning

A tendency to do nothing, to remain unchanged




Dutch Warmblood x Hanoverian x Arabian x Thoroughbred






Rainforest Beach


Herd mare

Voice over


Pelt Color: Dapple Iron Grey, base silver black

Mane and Tail color: Silver

Eye Color: White

Markings: White wispy tiger stripe like markings on both sides of her neck (not in mane like ref image), finer stripes coming from the corner of her eyes and up her left foreleg like the image. Paler grey socks on other legs.

Hooves: Grey

Height: 16.2hh

Mental/Physical Conditions: None

Inertia is a complex and layered soul. Not one to trust easily, she has found herself to be alone for the majority of her life, in some respects. Inertia is quick to see through bullshit, she won't tolerate being lied to and won't hesitate to stand up for herself. She is somewhat of an old soul, seemingly wise beyond her years with no real explanation as to why she appears as such - it's not magical, Inertia has suffered much and in doing so has learned from these experiences. Craving a genuine love, Inertia finds herself stuck between wanting love and affection to fearing it, knowing the coldness that has come with love before, she would rather live a solitary life than go through that again, yet she remains hopeful. Inertia is a selfless being, she will put others before herself to the point she sometimes loses where she herself is. Inertia is a sociable creature, she enjoys having a select group of friends whom she would defend to the bitter end. Inertia simply craves stability, she craves the security and affection she didn't have as a youth. Inertia is a spiritual soul, she believes in life after death; that everyone and everything is energy. Inertia believes that there are gods, but they are equal, evil lies within everyone as does good. Inertia has no fear of death, yet respects it nonetheless.

History: TW: violence.

Inertia was the creation of a fling, a secret romance that ended as soon as her dam was aware of the pregnancy. The stallion deserted them, banished them from the herd with the thread of death if they were to return. Her mother went nomad, birthing Inertia in the bleak midwinter under a full moon. Her mother believed that Inertia was created by the moon herself, that she was touched by the beams and that was why she was dripped in the strange white markings that neither her sire nor dam bore. As she grew, her dam taught her her own beliefs, her own views, allowing the filly to question them and make her own decisions on the life she was too lead. Inertia grew and flourished, she was stunningly beautiful, her beauty almost otherworldly.

When she was three, Inertia left her mother, joining a herd of horses that she thought would be suited for her. They accepted her, one young stallion took a shine to her in particular and over time, their friendship grew into romance. Inertia fell for him hard, she was at his beckon call, yet she was not he only one. He was smart enough to cover his tracks, but as her devotion to him grew, his waned and overtime, he grew tired of her affections. Inertia tried, oh how she tried, but soon he snapped, regularly beating her when no one would look, breaking her down but never releasing her. Inertia had lost herself, no more was she the outgoing, exuberant girl. Now she was silent. Two years passed until Inertia finally had had enough, deciding that she was worth more, that the world had more to offer here, she left.

For two years, Inertia was a reduse, unsodable and unreachable. Living within the deep forest, Inertia found solace in the silence, in the rain fall, in her own company. Around the gods, both old and new. Inertia also found herself. She found her voice only when she needed to use it, she found her smile only when it was necessary. Inertia found her voice and she found the power to use it once more. After two long years, Inertia left the dark confines of the forest, seemingly wilder yet somehow refined with it. She could have gone back, she could have found him again but now,now she wanted more.