Ash Bakely



3 years, 3 months ago


Name: Ash Bakely

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Age: 22

Birthday: March 12th

Entity she serves: The Hunt

Her gamer tag is Peachyuwu249

Personality: Sweet and cute, on stream. In person she's kind of mean and tends to attract to people who can shot back a remark as fast as she can make them. It doesn't mean she doesn't care about people, she's just not the sweet uwu girl her following seems to think she is. She's tough and clever, excellent at strategy and for taking down enemies in the games she plays. Even before she started serving the Hunt, she was already a pro gamer, doing the hardest challenges and rarely ever going down in games. Her hunt for more challenges grew to an unquenchable apatite and she is known as a ruthless team member, great to have a team with, horrible to fight against.

Story: Ash got hooked onto video games at a young age and played a lot. She was into them and knew a lot of lore among different franchises, including looking into the history of the companies themselves. When she was 16, she got into the world of online gaming and streaming, becoming a popular streamer who was known for her skill. She became entranced with the pvp games she played and made a hunt of her own, getting the attention of the Hunt. She kept her hunts in video games and after the Change, got a domain where many people are stuck in a competitive, never ending game match, the wounds they get in the constantly changing game appearing on the players themselves as they play. After the Change happened, she stayed behind in our world, losing her following after a mass of people cancelled her for avatar torture activities. Some stayed to support their uwu bean gamer girl, defending her actions as many have for the other ex-avatars who were forced to serve their entities. She, of course, didn't tell anyone she was a hunter before the Change and let her audience defend her for them. She's slowly building her damaged fan base again and, of course, she's still very good at video games.