


3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Meadow Dappled in Freshly Fallen Snow
Nickname(s): Meadow, Snow, Dapple
Gender: female (she/her)
Age: thirty-five moons
Voice Claim: Keira Knightley
Her voice is generally soft, but she has a distinct accent and many of her words have a higher lilt because of it
Disability(s): Blind in her right eye, leading to limited vision

Rank: Nurse
Special Power/Ability: Minor Plant Growth - She can grow small plants with her powers. These plants can be as small as a clover to as large as a berry bush. She has to be around soil and water however, and the soil must be fertile.
Scent: She usually smells like herbs from being in the medics den.

Personality: Meadow is a very empathetic, motherly feline. Working as a nurse in the medics den, she's lucky these traits come naturally to her. She enjoys helping out with the sick and injured patients that enter the medics domain, and she likes keeping them company when they feel lonely, or stuck. She's a good story teller and is very expressive. She loves watching other's faces light up when she says something funny or encouraging, and she thrives off of just the joy from others. Meadow however is also very self-conscious and sad deep down. Sometimes she wishes she had never gotten into the life changing accident that had occurred in her kitten hood, and bitter feelings of jealousy and spite often bubble inside her. She always bottles them down, and it usually leads to her having a meltdown in private. She's pretty emotional and usually lets those cloud her judgement.

Mother: Lilypad that Floats in Pond or "Lily"
Father: Pike that Swims Upstream or "Pike"
Siblings: Mouse that Collects Seeds. "Mouse" or "Seed"
Silent Creeping of the Wolverine. "Silent" or "Wolverine"

Orientation: Straight (?)
Romantic Interest(s): none currently
Mated to: no mate currently
Offspring: no kittens currently