Tiik'tiiki "Spooks" Hshii'ya



3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info



Current Level:



Neutral Good


Grave Cleric


24 (as of 3014, PD)


02/24/2990, PD






Canon Continuity:
Tiik-tiiki Hshii'ya, aka Spooks, was born the middle owlet of three. She emerged into the world under the dimmed light of a lunar eclipse, said to be the cause of her darkened face compared to her siblings; the moon's white light was missing from the sky, so too is it missing from her face. Owlfolk superstition goes that when an owlet comes into the world during a celestial event, they are marked for greatness in some way. This event took place in a month named for Heriot, the Shepherd. The goddess of the grave, death, and peace. This seemed to mark Spooks's path forward.

Her older sister, Seraph, a paladin of Heriot, was protective over Spooks and their little brother Riffle. Owlfolk are increasingly rare in Ulei'Var, and many ascribe ill assumptions of the dark-eyed moon-faced ones. Growing up, Spooks didn't understand why they were often avoided or looked at with fear, or called "death omens". Even her. This encouraged her to pursue knowledge on death and all the lore associated with it across as many cultures as she could get books about, to maybe perhaps change the perceptions and connotations so many seemed to have on the subject.
But in addition to the history and the cultural ideas and lore, Spooks adores stories more than anything, and frequently told stories to, and encouraged little brother Riffle to have a similar fever-pitch of love for books and stories. And while her siblings understand her pure enthusiasm, it didn't always meet the same understanding from other folk. As Spooks frequently would stand too close, or miss important social cues, or say something without thinking about its implications or meaning to others, or blather on without realizing the person she was talking to had left.

Not that she let it bother her! Others simply had other things to do and that's okay! She had her books to get back to and studies to pursue. Especially one question that seemed to stump her from the beginning: Why do so many fear death and believe it to be negative? Why do some pursue immortality through dark deals and twisted magics? Seraph never feared it. In fact Seraph had an understanding of it far beyond what most people did, even the temple folks. And Seraph had fought creatures held together by necromantic magic.

On the first full moon of the month of her birth, in her 20th year, Spooks experienced a calling to serve Heriot as her sister does. Her small stature did not suit the path of a paladin, or so Seraph told her, but she knew a fellow Heriot devotee who could teach Spooks what it meant to be a cleric of the Shepherd. This cleric, a fellow owlfolk named Quii'Oul, would meet Spooks's enthusiasm with his own quiet reverence and warm hospitality.
However. He served purely the Death aspect of Heriot's domain, borrowing necromantic magics only long enough to ensure souls made their way home. And Spooks opposed this, refusing to learn how to perform those spells. Quii was disappointed in her adamant opposition, but he understood. She was not meant to be a Death Cleric, like him; she would better serve the Grave aspect. And this she took to as readily as she did flying.

Spooks was just turned 23 when she went on an adventure she... Doesn't fully recall the events of. Only the feelings, some scars, and the friendships forged with the adventurers she was with. Especially the friendships forged with the adventurers she was with! Alas, when that adventure ended, the group parted and she rushed home to write down as much as she could recall, just in case any one of them happened across her. Particularly a born werewolf mercenary, a human man she affectionately calls Friend Cederic.
It seemed no sooner had Spooks arrived home that she was called away to her home country's neighbor to the north. A large forest realm, Vaeleryn, that had been recently plagued by an undead invasion from their eastern neighbor of Greymoor. She answered this summons, and would be studying a large swathe of damaged forest known as the Bleakscar. Very little headway was made, as many folk who went into the lesser-traveled areas never returned. And instead of fading, it was spreading. Spooks would do what she could to help, but it was long and arduous work.  
On a break, she went to the border town of Gatewatch, where she met a young half-elf in grief-induced depression. Comforting the girl, who told Spooks that the girl's (adopted) sister never came back from the war, and they were going to be clerics together, the small owlin encouraged her to fulfill that goal all the same. After all, it would be what her sister wanted, would it not?

It wasn't until the Silver Fang company arrived in the autumnal months of her 23rd year of life, for the annual Vaeleryn festival the elves call The Party, that she found one of her long-lost friends. Spooks was on mission work to Lathiel, near the Bleakscar, when the Silver Fang company, beaten and battered, arrived at the temple she was serving at with victorious news, and terrible news. The Bleakscar was cured, the very powerful source of the blight removed and in their possession. With them, they had a statue of a very familiar man...
It was no statue; this was their companion, a mercenary, who had been turned to stone by the Bleakscar's living curse. None other than Friend Cederic. Spooks ushered the company into a room in the temple and closed the door, asking them to stand back and whether they knew about his... Condition -his werewolfism, before she restored him to life from petrification.

She was saddened that she could not join them and help now that she'd found her friend, but she spent what time she could speaking with individual members of the company she could find, and especially Friend Cederic, amiably and brightly letting them know they could always be in touch with her. She now serves as the caretaker of the Shepherd's Sanctuary, an outdoors temple to Heriot.

Old character notes in the spoiler tag.

Grave Cleric for Curse of Strahd campaign.

Female melanistic barn owl Owlin. Generally quiet and curious, friendly but may creep out others. Introduces herself as "Spooks" due to difficulty in pronouncing her name in Common.

Can definitely very much do the owl 180 head turn.

Throughout her early life, Spooks was frequently avoided for her general oddity and the common connotation of her racial variety to the skeletal face of death, despite not sharing the pallid white face of her two siblings. As a teen, she decided that, perhaps, maybe she could use or change that connotation. To prove that death really isn't as bad as it seems to be, she opted to study the concept and beliefs surrounding it across various cultures, furthering her understanding in general. (Sage background)

This didn't much help her social experience, often encouraging others to continue giving her a wide berth. Spooks' grasp of social cues and nuances, especially among other races, atrophied. (Personality trait: socially awkward) Not that she let this bother her much; after all, if she didn't focus on her studies, how could she possibly be educated enough on the matter to make a difference? (Ideal: Self-Improvement) One question she longs to answer, is why do so many believe death to be negative? (Bond: Lifelong answer-seeking) And mayhaps in her dogged pursuit of knowledge, she speaks before she thinks about what she's saying. (Flaw: Brain doesn't keep up with mouth.)

Spooks's decision to become a cleric was catalyzed by an encounter with the vision of an aspect of Death, calling her to use her knowledge to strike back against those who would desecrate Death's Domain. To return those innervated with unnatural facsimiles of life back to the somber repose in which they belong.

Chosen to enact the will of the death deity, she sought out and undertook more formal education to better serve the mysterious higher power.

Older sister: Kikiit "Seraph" Hshii'ya
Younger brother: Chirr'ut "Riffle" Hshii'ya