


3 years, 2 months ago


Max the Necromancer

Last Updated: April 4

Name Max

Age Mid-to-late 20's

Born Nov 1

Gender Agender (he/they)

Orientation Pansexual

Theme info

Max was born with the ability to speak to spirits. As they grew older, they learned their powers spread further than just speaking. They can also directly summon spirits and ressurect the dead. They can put spirits into "hosts", which normally are non-living objects that can be manipulated by the spirit. They are also knowledgable about shadow magic, able to travel instantaneously through darkness as well as melt into it as a sort of invisibility. They use this often to escape uncomfortable situations.

Spirits are able to work through Max, either willingly on his end or not. During this "possession", when the spirit(s) use his energy to affect the physical world. They can move through him, speak through him, even use his energy to telekenetically move items. Max is conscious during this, and if the spirit does something he doesn't want it to do, he has to fight against them. It's much easier for a spirit to use him when he has emotional meltdowns. After possessions, Max is left exhausted and he ends up sleeping up to 24 hours afterwards. Angry spirits tend to abuse this more, causing real damage and harm.

In Max's universe, magic and mythical being such as vampires exist but the public does not realize this. Every clique has its own underground culture and knows of each other's existence without the normal human population knowing. It's common for necromancers to be isolated or in small groups of three or four. Max is known by the local underground community, as everyone eventually knows about everyone else, but is still not very social.

Appearance (WIP)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultricies, tortor tincidunt vestibulum tristique, nisi sapien placerat ante, nec rutrum metus augue vel massa. Nunc id dictum dolor. Proin tristique magna lacinia massa tincidunt egestas.

Aliquam sodales aliquet vehicula. Etiam non tortor dui. Donec turpis purus, pellentesque tempus suscipit non, ornare sed nisl. Integer dignissim justo massa, quis venenatis risus elementum eu. In pellentesque in tortor ac fringilla. Fusce quis magna varius, lacinia elit quis, semper ante. Aenean consectetur, turpis tincidunt efficitur maximus, lacus mauris eleifend mauris, auctor malesuada nisi tortor nec ligula. Fusce laoreet dolor quam, ut rhoncus justo ornare ut. Mauris semper sed erat ac ornare.



Max was born with the ability to see spirits of the dead, though it was much different during their infancy. To their fresh mind, not only did the spirits they'd see wandering their town and even their own home and bedroom appear like everyone else, but Max couldn't communicate with their parents about what they could see. The spirits were mainly peaceful, and Max and they would mostly end up looking at each other with mutual curiosity.


Once they were able to communicate, Max was quick to try and introduce his friends to his parents. He'd talk about the regular spirits he'd see around the house, as well as spirits he'd meet in school or otherwise. It was then, when his parents would smile and nod at him in an disbelieving way, did Max realize not everyone could see these people. Quickly he realized they were spirits of the dead, those who were unable to pass on for whatever reason.

He tried to tell his parents about his abilities, but his parents only believed he was making childish jokes. In school, he preferred to talk to his spectral friends over his classmates. When spirits would tell him something he wouldn't normally know, such as student secrets or where his favorite snacks were hidden in the house, it was merely percieved as him being a troublesome child putting his nose in other people's businesses. School staff was much less willing to "play along" to Max's pleads about being able to talk to spirits.

When he started getting more persistent about his abilities, his parents began to genuinely worry. They could understand childhood imaginary friends, but Max treated them as real physical beings and many times they caught him staying up far past his bedtime to talk to his "friends". After numerous accounts of his parents realizing things had been moved or even disappeared completely and Max sobbing about his friends as he was the one who was punished, they decided to take action. They took him to a therapist, and tried to have him treated for psychosis. It was cut short after only a few sessions, when the therapist claimed Max had a meltdown and tried to attack her. He insisted it was an agitated spirit that dwelled in the building, using his body, but his words fell on deaf ears.

It was from that point on, Max and his parents' relationship turned toxic. During this troubled time, Max was more prone to possessions, causing fights at school and home. They attempted to send Max to a mental ward to help his "outbursts", but before they could he decided to run away. He knew he could learn to be more powerful and more easily fight off possessions, but he had to focus on training. With his family, he couldn't. So he ran. He was only 16.

On Their Own (WIP)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultricies, tortor tincidunt vestibulum tristique, nisi sapien placerat ante, nec rutrum metus augue vel massa. Nunc id dictum dolor. Proin tristique magna lacinia massa tincidunt egestas.

Personal Life (WIP)

inquisitive, loyal, polite distant, uncoordinated, forgetful







Preferring the company of spirits, Max doesn't have many social skills.

Max calls the country cemetery outside of town "home", having constructed a faux mausoleum that in reality opens up to an underground living space. It's hooked up to plumbing and electricity, so Max is connected to the modern world by television and WiFi. They use a bike to travel between the cemetery and the related town. They're akin to a cryptid to the townspeople; in a town where everyone knows each other, Max is a mystery. Only a select few even know their name, because they're librarians or coffee shop workers who see them on a semi-regular basis.


Max has two animal companions, ravens named Huginn and Munnin. They are named after Odin's ravens of myth. Huginn appears as a normal raven, with the ability to communicate with Max using learned phrases. The most common they speak is "Yes", "No", and "Fuck you". Munnin, on the other hand, is immediately striking. They are a revived raven, brought back from death when Max was still young. They are mainly skeletal, with patches of feathers mainly on their wings and tail. Being revived, Munnin is much more intelligent than their "brother". They and Max have an emotional bond, and are even able to communicate telepathically. Munnin often acts as a "translator" for Huginn.


Caption here with a link.


  • Autumn, specifically foggy mornings.
  • Baking and eating sweets.
  • Iced coffee. One thing they cannot live without, they need that caffiene.
  • Watching wild animals prowl the cemetery and surrounding fields.


  • Crowds. More than five people at once makes Max start to get overwhelmed.
  • Waking up early, they prefer to watch sunrises after staying up at night.

Trivia (WIP)

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean ultricies, tortor tincidunt vestibulum tristique, nisi sapien placerat ante, nec rutrum metus augue vel massa.
  • Nunc id dictum dolor. Proin tristique magna lacinia massa tincidunt egestas.
  • Aliquam sodales aliquet vehicula. Etiam non tortor dui. Donec turpis purus, pellentesque tempus suscipit non, ornare sed nisl.