Ricky "Joe" Bobby



3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Prescott Clan




Ricky "Joe" Bobby

Ultimate Hellbilly

  • Name Jolene Barbara Prescott
  • Age 35
  • Height 6'5"
  • Relationship Status Single
  • Occupation Rancher
  • Nationality Texan
  • Sexuality Questioning
  • Voice Claim Yikes on bikes
  • Personality

    A raunchy and rude gal who does what she wants, who she wants, whenever she wants to. She has a fairly violent streak, believing that everything can be settled with a good old fistfight or tussle. Freedom is her middle name (literally, she says), and after breaking off her last relationship she's found that her heart lies within the open ranges where she can ride all day from sun up to sun down.

    Art by boba-deer

  • Appearance

    Ricky wears a stained dark gray tube top and dark blue denim shorts that have seen better days, probably back in the damn 70's. She wears ripped fishnet leggins and black work boots that match a pair of black work gloves. She keeps a camo bandana over her head and wears a red plaid flannel over her shirt, along with a planchette necklace as her only accessory. Her eyes are two separate shades of blue, the left being a brighter shade than the right, she has freckles along the bridge of her nose, her shoulders, and her thighs, and she has prominent eyebags.

  • Likes Open Fields, Country Music, Crawfish, Horseback Riding, Sunsets
  • Dislikes Commitment, Lazing Around, Cramped Spaces, Big Cities, Pointing Out Her Accent
  • Backstory

    TW: Miscarriage

    Born in the middle of buttfuck nowhere several miles away from the main city of Fort Worth, Ricky was raised with the obligations of eating, breathing, and making sure the family herd of sheep didn't get too close to the one road that they had near the ranch. With her only 'homeschooling' coming from the movies she brought home from the last standing Blockbuster (she's old shut up), and the days starting to blur together in their similarity, she grew up seeking more in life than what her future was planned to have.

    Her 26th birthday kicked everything off- she left home to travel the south, joined a roaming rock band, had a shotgun wedding, and eventually moved in with her partner in the mountains. It was the thrill she wanted, but it was almost a little too fast, even for her. The relationship she found herself in collapsed after only a few years, especially after the accidental pregnancy and subsequent loss of her child soon after their marriage. She found her chance to escape once she was notified that her father had passed on of natural causes, leaving the family ranch completely in her hands. She filed for divorce, a restraining order, and returned to the solitude of the farmlands a tired, older, but still spunky woman.

  • Trivia
    • ● You know those rooster decorations your grandma collects to put in the kitchen? She's a big fan of them! They're cheap, pretty looking, and light up the kitchen no matter where they are.
    • ● She loves movies, but she's almost completely unaware of the fact streaming exists. She gets all of her cinema from the Blockbuster that miraculously still exists in her hometown.
    • ● If she could, she would marry Dolly Parton in a heartbeat. She's one of the few idols that Ricky holds near and dear to her heart, and the only reason she hasn't officially ditched her birth name.
    • ● She'll never wear a cowboy hat or boots for as long as she lives, that's a fucking promise. No matter how much Texan pride she has, too many yeehaw jokes have been made in her time.
    • ● She has a natural gravelly voice, but 10% of it is genetics and the other 90% is from being a chainsmoker
    • ● The animals she owns consist of a herd of sheep, a small gathering of chicken, a gypsy horse, and an old sheepdog named Captain (Cap for short!)
    • ● She can play both the guitar and the harmonica, but surprisingly she played the role of the drums when she was traveling with the band
  • Moose Ray Johnson Ex-Fiance


  • Nancy Prescott Sister


  • Judas Miller Ex-Best Friend


  • Riku Miller Godchild


  • Seiko Miller Godchild


profile html by Hukiolukio