Dave Dudley [WPG]



3 years, 6 months ago


"For the low, low price of your soul, all of this could be yours…"

Name Dave Thomas Dudley
Race Devil
Age 24 / 32 (21st Nov)
Gender Male (He/Him)
Height 5’11”
Occupation Salesperson

Suave ✦ Flaky ✦ Deceptive ✦ Carefree ✦ Lazy

There is no mistaking why Dave ended up a Devil. He’s a greasy, good-for-nothing leech of a man that’s always looking for a gullible person to take advantage of. Whilst sociable and friendly, most people can sense that he has bad intentions. It takes mere seconds for him to enter his Soul-selling pitch when meeting someone new, and will pester existing Walpurgis residents into giving him free food or letting him sleep on their couch. Give Dave an inch and he’ll take a mile, he remembers people’s kindness and becomes a permanent pest.

Thankfully, he has no shame and is perfectly aware of how desperate and annoying he is. If people can tolerate his grimey ways, they can have fun with Dave at least. There’s never a dull moment around him - whether accidentally getting barred from one of the local pubs or being punched for making a quip. He’s also just a good drinking buddy, with many a story to share and an ear keen to listen to others too. Dave is quick to befriend just about anyone, but don’t count on him when you need him most.

I, the undersigned, hereby agree to follow the charter of walpurgis and all rules therein:




Area of Expertise

As a Devil, Dave is gifted with supernatural strength and speed. He can also conjure the flames of Hell and wield them as he sees fit. His main focus right now is trying to practise the art of Soul-binding Contracts, where in exchange for whatever the other would like, Dave receives their soul when they perish.


Soul-Bound Contracts: Dave is able to bind someone’s soul to himself and Hell in exchange for whatever the person wishes for - usually power of some kind. As long as Dave or Hell can provide what the signee is after, Dave will receive their soul when they die. Devouring souls grant Devils power, so Dave is quite keen to get his first sign-up.
Devil’s Endurance: As a Devil, Dave’s stronger and more agile than your average human.
Hellish Resistance: Immune to Hell’s flames, Dave is resistant to fire and heat, whether magical or not.
Wield Hellfire: He is able to conjure hellfire from the pits of the Underworld itself, whether to simply light his cigarette or to throw a fireball. He is not as confident in bigger fire spells, mostly using this ability to look cool rather than to fight.
Respawn: With his soul being bound to Hell, if Dave perishes on Earth, he is just sent back to Hell. He can come back to Earth after a few days (determined by 1d6 roll).


Holy Magic: Dave is extremely vulnerable to the likes of radiant and holy magic. He avoids religious buildings and places and flinches away from those that have a strong radiant presence.
Exorcism/Banishment: Should Dave be blighted with potent holy or radiant magic and die as a result, he will be permanently banished to Hell until someone summons him again.
Ugh, Paperwork: Contracts must be signed and approved by Hell. It is a lengthy process and requires consent, signees must have read over the small print and agreed to everything before handing their soul over to Dave. And Dave MUST keep his end of the contract, or the soul is freed.
Hell’s Worst Performer: Dave’s numbers for getting souls are… very low. Well, non-existent to be exact. Therefore, he’s literally one of the weakest Devils working for Hell.


Personal Lore



Early Life

Dave was born as a human, in 1989 somewhere in the US. He doesn’t remember much of his childhood, although he gets the sense it wasn’t much of a good one. Memories of his teen and early adult life are more vivid - that he remembers how he travelled on a lot, doing whatever he needed to do to get by. His death is just a violent blur, but he assumes it was probably justified all things considered.

He then spent 8 years in Hell, suffering as a tormented soul. Somehow, Dave being Dave - he weaseled his way into joining the forces of Hell and became a servant and turned into a Devil. Now employed under Hell, Dave was sent back to Earth to try and help with the effort of damning souls.

Moving to Walpurgis

Upon surfacing from Hell, Dave immediately stumbled onto Walpurgis. Surprised that such a town even existed, Dave immediately decided this was going to be the base of his Soul-Selling operations. Supernatural souls would earn him extra points down below, right?

Present Day

Dave has been a resident of Walpurgis for roughly nine months now, and has managed to get ZERO soul signings. Not that he minds, he’s thankful he doesn’t have to process the paperwork and honestly he enjoys just chilling in town. It’s a nice change of scenery from Hell’s blistering heat and the tortured screams of the damned.

Race Lore

Devils are servants of Hell. Tormentors and Torturers of the Damned. Some were born amongst the Hellfire whilst others are human that were granted fiendish abilities in order to fetch more Damned souls. There’s many types of Devils like Succubus, Horned Devils, etc. Devils that work in Hell are usually of a very organised and lawful disposition - taking great pleasure in punishing those that deserve it… but some don’t mind tricking or corrupting others into falling either.

Dave is a Horned Devil. Horned Devils are a very common Hellish servant. Usually humanoid in appearance, their horns, skin colour, and magical powers can greatly differ from Devil to Devil. An allrounder in terms of Fiendish abilities but a specialist in none, Horned Devils can be found throughout Hell serving all sorts of roles.






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