


6 years, 11 months ago


  • Eclipse
  • She/It
  • huge
  • Kaiju
""we knew right from the start that you'd fall apart 'Cause I'm too expensive, Your talk'll be somethin' that shouldn't be said out loud" - Billy Eilish"


Eclipse is a fly trap monster. One day she sprouted during a solar eclipse, and thus named herself after it. She fed on small animals that made their way into her grasp, but eventually grew big enough to capture larger prey. After outgrowing her small forest, she stumbled upon an urban area. She enjoyed the easy pickings of the city, and now floats from city to city to stay inconspicuous. Now, she spends most of her time in urban cities, preying on the inhabitants. She doesnt like flesh as much as she likes blood. She will usually strangle her prey in her vines and hang them upside-down to drain the blood through the neck. She will cut a slit through the neck with her traps, and lap up the blood. Eclipse will perch on rooftops, and dark alley ways and snatch up unsuspecting victims with her vines. No one but Cal has escaped her grasp. She uses him as a sort of slave, and threatens his life is he escapes her. Though she identifies as a female, she has an unsettlingly deep, masculine voice.

Design Notes

  • design flexable
  • not a skull on her head, it is a bone-like materal that is a part of her
  • vines and leaves can be drawn anywhere on her body
  • she can summon plants to grow on, and around her
  • arms have a thick fleshy portion attached, this allows her to fly

