Odd Kiltari



3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Odd Kiltari








Warlock (The Fathomless)


Odd was born within the Temple of the Tides to his mother, Dialta. His biological father is unknown, due to the extensive mating rituals within the temple walls. After giving birth, his mother was given high honors for bestowing a magically-inclined child to the monks, and she and Odd were treated to a life of comfort. Dialta was a very avid chef, cooking lavish meals for her son and the other monks, and took immense joy in creative tasks.

Being close with his mother caused Odd to also be creative, learning to cook, dance, and write poetry at a young age. He was raised by the entire community within the temple, among many other children who had been born under similar conditions to himself. Odd didn’t get much exposure to the outside world, so his only friends were the other kids in isolation. They would play games with one another, sneak around the temple in the late hours, and talk about anything and everything. He and the other children participated in many rituals, ranging in intensity.

When Odd was 15, he was introduced to the first intense rituals of his life. He was made to spend two full days in front of an altar, praying to the Fathomless to come to the mortal plane and bestow his wisdom upon him. After no response, he was let out and treated to heavy recovery time and care. That same year, he was given some small tattoos to mark his progress in these sessions. Over the next couple years, the rituals got more intense, and he got more tattoos.

When he was 18, Odd started receiving prophetic visions, showing an amulet in many disastrous situations. Within a few months, he finally got a response. The Fathomless started talking with him during rituals, and giving minor signs of his presence. The monks decided to do one group ritual to take the final step. The temple gathered and participated in a week-long session of prayer and offering, until it finally happened. Odd, standing in the middle of a shallow basin, was lifted up by the current and enshrouded in the water. He struggled as the lights in the temple dimmed and the water surrounding the buildings came into the room, pouring into the large floating sphere that encompassed him. Before nearly drowning, he wished to be saved by his god.

It was then that a pact was struck, Odd was given the gift of water breathing and was slowly placed back down, virtually unharmed. He knew that The Fathomless wanted two things in return: one, the unyielding devotion from Odd to do as he wishes, and two, to retrieve a lost artifact long stolen from him and forgotten by all but him. Since then, Odd has been traveling the world, honing his skills and looking for the artifact. He writes home to his family often, and thinks fondly of the time he spent with them.