Hydro's Comments

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Favorited both! And i would name this baby either Jupiter, nova or mortem

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Favorited and I would name him leroy because he reminds me of leroy from lilo and stitch


Favorited!!! If I got this babie I would probably name them either Prism, Floyd, Hydro, or something else funky!!! They're totally up my style:D

Your sona is very cute I must say, might have to draw them at some point hehe.

I was thinking something like Reikiel for this lovely lad

Faved both, I think I would name 'em Pink Floyd lol

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This bean is so awsome! I favorited both ^^ So I'd like to enter the raffle :D

Oh and I would probably name them Saturn! I don't know why- it just came to me

I would name them Hazkiel!By the way faved both!

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Faved them both. Would name them Karaoke 

Faved them both! I would name this guy Caspian!!

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Xinas is cute name :3

All done!

Name : siberia

Done! I'd name them chromatic

I've favorited, and I might name 'em Skylar or Frankie!

faved both I might name him Bori means the past in kurdish

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I faved both!

Faved both! :)

Faved both!! <3

Done love em! Probably would name em Zebra or Skull

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Faved them both! <3 

Also, I’d probably name them Kibble or something cute sounding like that, since they’re just so adorable! ^^

done ! maybe smth like panorama ?? i love them so mucn



proximus maybe. weirdcore son.

Faved both characters! I don't have any name ideas atm since I'm a bit stumpted with creativity at the moment, but i'm sure I could probably make something unique if I got them ^^"

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Faved both!

I’d name them Sora because I feel like it would fit them well!

I adore the name sora!

Thank you!

Yooo!! Those colors are super rad?!
I faved Milky!
+ I'd give 'em the name Zeeb or 404!! (404 because they remind me of computer Error 404 for some reason!)

Hello!! Thank you so much for the chance!! I love your designs..     

I wanted to named them Roarbow and used them as a comfort sona   Also look so fun to draw... babu   

Faved and subbed!   

Thank you so much! 💕

You're very welcome dear :3 Thank you so much for the faves too   

Faved both! I'd name them Celes :3

I've faved this baby and I've faved Milky! By the way, Milky is adorable - do you mind if I draw Milky in my spare time?

The name ideas that popped into my head for this bby was Miwu, Sushi or Johann - I'm leaning towards Miwu tbh.

I would LOVE if you drew milky! And i love to see when ever you do! 

Also very cute names :3

Fave both and I'd name them Esme! 

faved both, i'd name them meren : 3

Faved, i'd name them oreo

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Faved Both!! I‘d will prob name them Kai or Hazard ^^

Faved I think I’d name him bubs

both faved! ill name him skullo if i get them

Both faved, and i’d name them Borealis (Bori for short)

zakia  and i faved both really excited lol

I think I’d name them Bugsley! Faved both btw <3

faved both! id name them koi maybe

Aaaa done! Probably Spectre :>

faved both! hmm im not sure what i'd name em to be honest maybe mari but im not sure names are hard haha

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Done and what cuties 💕 oh man what if i named them Kai tho chromo sounds nice as well 👀

faved! I'd call em bob!

Faved! I'd name em.... Journey I think lol

Ohhh cute <3 I faved and I wanna name they Quon, this is, shiny in chinese! They is one member of my megwhan gang uwu

Done! I'm not sure what I'd name them yet though ;w;

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I faved it and I would name em Skully because their face placement looks like a skull to me uwu

I've faved and would name them Zebby!

I faved :D and i would name them CaTcher