
Pronounced "kai-les-tease".

Known as the "Dark Night Prince", Caelestis is a deity of the night, able to create stars as he pleases and end them with a wave of his hand. He doesn't tend to give much weight to the existence of mortals as most gods do, but he's willing to make constellations should a particularly clingy god want to keep their mortal "pet" immortalized.

With other gods, he is rather easygoing, with a patience that most gods are jealous of. He might joke that it's because he doesn't get involved with mortals, but the stars are just as important to him as mortals are to the gods who deal with them. Of course, he'll lightly protest if that's brought up to him.


  • Voice: Lucifer from Obey Me! (example) ChanSimping 
  • "Male" is more of the application of the technical term to him; "gender" as a construct doesn't really matter to him at all, and he is often referred to with he/him, they/them, or it/its pronouns.