Ranbir Wei



3 years, 3 months ago


Name      Ranbir Wei

Gender     male 

Species     Kemono-ma

Race         Tiger

Height     6’3”

Weight      bulky

Sexuality     Pan

Age       22

Ranbir Wei is the current king of Minrindia and also a friend of Nana

Ranbir comes from a family of purebred minrindian tigers that have been ruling for centuries at this point. It is of great importance to them that they continue carrying this “pure minrindian tiger blood” which just means a lot of  inbreeding and health defects as a result. Tigers of this family tend not to live very long for this reason, about 40 years at the very most. This is the reason Ranbir is king at his relatively young age.

This looming threat of an early death is the reason for Ranbir’s “yolo” attitude to everything. He’s known for being reckless and loves parties, dancing, drinking, and everything of that sort. 

He also has several partners and spouses of all genders. His favorite kind of parties are weddings, so he’ll often marry just for fun, without dating or anything first. 

All of his spouses are felines, many of them, other tigers because he thinks that tigers are above/much better  and more beautiful than other races.

And now to Nana, who is half tiger without knowing yet. When Nephi and Nana visit Minrindia to negotiate or whatever, Ranbir immediately takes a liking to Nana, and thus does does everything in his power to keep Nephi away, partially because its fun to make a game out of keeping Nana away from his husband and partially because he genuinely likes Nana. He thinks Nana is cute and they end up having a lot in common. 

personality ~

Ranbir is a flirtatious, thrill-seeking, and reckless man, who’ll do whatever seems fun to him without much thought. He won’t say it openly, but he thinks himself and other tigers  above others. He doesnt enjoy being challenged and surrounds himself with others who think and feel the way he does. He’s slow to get angry or annoyed , but he enjoys people (like nephi) who are easily upset because he likes to tease people. That said, in a situation where he’s under pressure or being challenged he wouldn’t do well at all