Jackie (OG)




Jaquelyn Porter


Jackie, Zippy, Sparks












Uni Student / Part-time mechanic

Pinterest Board



  • Human electrical conductor, electrical current hopping as long as the current is not incredibly insulated 
  • lightning rod for around 10m has to really concentrate for this though, 
  • Can discharge the electricity she accumulates up to a 2m radius, 
  • minor boosts to strength, constitution and a larger boost to agility and flexibility. 
  • Cannot hold electrical charges for more than two hours before they start to affect her negatively (see start to fry her insides) 

Personality: Jackie is an aspiring engineer with a fantastic intellect for the sciences and mathematics. She is a quick thinker and will think of a easy way out of any situation she gets into with ease. Unfortunately she can’t slow down and walks, talks, and does almost everything fast. She is constantly being told to slow down or repeat herself. She also jumps to conclusions quickly and will try to jump ahead in conversations and will consequently misinterpret or misunderstand what other people tell her. She is constantly fidgeting and goes on runs to work off all her excess energy almost every day. She also easily loses track of time, especially when she's engineering, working on something she enjoys or exercising. When she gets focused she will stay focused until someone comes to check up on her. She will go for days at a time working on a project without eating or sleeping without intervention. This work ethic along with her losing track of time easily makes her constantly late to things, especially her classes, as she tends to go for a run before class to make sure she doesn't fidget during the theory lessons. Even though she doesn't really take care of herself she is the biggest mum friend and will constantly nag her friends to eat, drink and will pester them about how they are feeling and will help them with their homework and just generally be overbearing. Whenever anyone does that for her though, she’ll just shrug them off and tell them she’s fine even if she hasn’t slept for three days. She’s super overprotective of those she cares about and will beat up anyone that dares hurt her babies.


  • She owns a python called Pierce. She loves him and feeds him mice and takes him out of his terrarium everyday. She loves to pat him. She wants another snake but is worried that they’ll not get along with Pierce. (she'll probably become a crazy snake lady)
  • She almost always wears her sweater or other jumpers in public to cover her electrical scars.
  • Jackie’s super pale. It’s impossible for her to get a tan. It’s either white or bright red. She gets more freckles every time she goes outside without fail. 
  • Jackie is really messy, her writing is almost illegible, she has sheets falling out of her folders, her flat would be a disaster if not for her roommate. She has no trouble finding things though.
  • She doesn’t really show her intelligence outside of classes or when by herself. Gets really embarrassed about if someone calls her out on it.
  • Has no actual fighting experience and doesn’t know any martial arts. She uses her heightened abilities to her advantage and goes by feel mostly. This won’t cut it forever though.
  • She loves her job at the mechanic’s. She can hold her own easily and is almost as good as the experienced professionals. The owner treats her like the daughter he never had and makes sure that she had dinner with him and his wife at least once a week. He spoils her rotten.
  • Has the most Australian accent known to man, like Julia Gillard levels.
  • Has the tendency to give static shocks to everyone she touches.
  • Has a personal stash of timtams and vegemite

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