Nemu (Artifacted/Wrong Gods CS)



Nickname: Sloth, Doll

Age Appearance: Young Adult

Height: 7'3"

Weight: Heavy (like good luck picking her up)

Sexuality: ???

Personality: Lazy, sleepy, slow/sluggish, silent, idle

Likes: Soft things, sleeping

Dislike: Light, being rushed, being touched

Extra: -She is usually half asleep, even so, though very slowly, she is very responsive and aware.

-Her third eye only closes when she is fully awake.

-Talks in signs(ALS) over speaking.

-She is often mistaken for for a "lifesize" doll because of how often she will stop moving.

-She tends to wear comfy clothes like sleepwear.


Customization 1: Third eye - Common

Customization 2: Ear type: Headphone - Rare

Customization 3: Four arms - Blessed

Upgrades: None - Common

Halo: 3 rings - Common

Plugin 1: Glowing eyes -Rare

Plugin 2: Floating Energy - Uncommon

Metal: Osmium