Bingle Weedlepaw



3 years, 6 months ago



Bingle is a very shy yet motivated and hardworking Grumpus. He helped everyone build their homes in Snaxburg, always having a knack for building. Not too long after living on Snacktooth Island, he developed a large crush on Filbo. He has yet to act on this, and probably never will without a push. They stay around Snaxburg, tinkering with tools and fixing up anything around that needs fixing. 

He is very fond of Filbo, Gramble and Beffica. He hates Wiggle and Cromdo. He is neutral towards everyone else. 

He hates how loud Wiggle is, and heavily dislikes her singing voice. They also hate how many Bugsnax she craves constantly. He makes sure to stay away from her, even going to the lengths of getting earplugs so he doesn't have to listen to her. 

Gramble helped him train a BBQ Bunger to be his pet, so he is forever grateful. 

Beffica promised to keep Bingle's crush a secret, earing his respect. Little does he know, she only agreed to keep it because she doesn't want Filbo to be happy.

Interview answers:

Who are you?

"I-I'm Bingle. Bingle Weedlepaw!" 

What do you do here?

"I helped everyone b-build their homes! I'm a carpenter. I-I just love to build.. I always have."

What brought you to Snacktooth Island?

"Everything was so boring back home.. I-I just wanted something new. This place is great! It's j-just what I needed."

What do you think about Bugsnax?

"Oh, they're so cute.. I-I feel bad about eating them. A-and between you and me, I think Snackification is really.. w-weird. I don't eat them unless I have to..." 

What happened to Lizbert?

"To be honest, I-I wasn't too close with Liz or Eggabell. I helped them build and all, but they w-were more involved with the other residents. I-I always shyed away, o-or tried to talk to Filbo, or Gramble. I just hope they're both okay.."