


6 years, 11 months ago



NAME Wormwood [last name]
BIRTHDAY 3rd of Autumn (September 23), 1900
SPECIES marthi
OCCUPATION traveling alchemist
RESIDENCE anywhere!
GENDER trans male
HEIGHT 4'11"


Little greaseball freak.



Worm's just a little weirdo. He's short and skinny like a little twig, and covered in wavy black plumage that would be a lot more bouncy if it wasn't laden with grease from a lack of bathing. His beak is stark white and a bit crooked with sharp teeth inside, some of which stick out as snaggleteeth. Though his thin arms would normally be covered with wing feathers, a mixture of a birth defect and a lifelong poor diet has left them growing in sparse and scraggly, the same as his tail feathers. His plumage in general is mangey, and the bare patches reveal self-harm scars on his arms.

He almost always wears an oversized, threadbare tan suit, accompanied by dark brown trousers that have been patched up by his friend. He also wears a grungy white undershirt and a red tie, along with a floppy tan fedora (not in the neckbeard way!).


Worm has kind of given up in a lot of ways; his life has sucked ass for the longest time, and he doesn't see it getting better any time soon, so why bother? This has led to a sort of forced apathy on his behalf, especially towards relationships- though he desperately wants a friend and even a partner, he's lied to himself about how okay he is without to the point where he's started to believe it. Of course, that illusion of his shatters whenever he's presented with the opportunity for a relationship, but instead of sitting with those feelings and taking steps to connect with people, he merely forces them back down and pretends that everything is okay. His forced apathy also falls apart whenever he's presented with anything stressful, where he immediately falls to pieces and panics. He's generally very pessimistic, and tries to force himself to be okay with that fact. He's not all dreary, though- he can be a legitimately good friend when he finds someone who wants him in their life. He tries to make people laugh (though he fails frequently) and is a very generous person as well. He does tend to struggle with empathy, but that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't care about others; he also sturggles with low self esteem and depression.


mbti ISTP-T
alignment true neutral
zodiac sign tbd


  • dogs
  • comic books
  • bland foods
  • alchemy
  • driving


  • the cold
  • spicy foods
  • cooking
  • socializing
  • his body


  • He has a very faint Southern accent- it used to be more prominent, but it's faded with his exposure to other areas of the country.
  • He's autistic.


Worm started his life as an attempt to keep his mother's boyfriend trapped in a relationship, which failed miserably as he jumped ship anyway upon the burden of additional responsibility. It went further downhill when he and his twin sister hatched and his mother was stuck with the biggest reminder of her failed relationship. She dealt with this newfound burden very maturely by abusing and neglecting the two, something that was only exacerbated by her drug addiction and eventually led to his sister's untimely death at the age of 7. Not that the cops really cared about that- after all, it was just some druggie's kid, and she would've turned out the same as her mother if she had lived.

He wasn't able to find much solace outside of the home, as he was bullied by many of his peers and ostracized by the rest- his only real friend for the longest time besides his sister was his math teacher, who really only talked to him out of pity. Eventually, as he entered middle school, he found a group of people who would tolerate him, though unbeknownst to him, it was largely for those people's entertainment rather than a genuine desire for companionship. This came to a head around the beginning of high school, where the group he'd fallen into assaulted a teacher and pinned the blame on him, leading to his expulsion and a subsequent increase in the abuse he faced. Fed up with his treatment, he finally snapped and ran away from home at 15, beginning his life as a vagabond.

Worm lived on the streets for several years, running into trouble here and there but largely keeping to himself. That is, until one particularly dreary winter morning, when he was shambling along the sidewalk and noticed a milktruck idling outside someone's house. Desperate, he jumped in and drove off, finally leaving his hometown behind at the age of 17. Luckily for him, the milktruck was still filled with stock and quite roomy once it was emptied, which provided both the prfect travelling home and plenty of stuff to trade with other people when necessary- eventually, this bartering of his allowed him to gain the supplies needed to start his own illicit alchemy business, selling medicinal potions to those who can't afford them through other avenues.


Now, he travels all around the country selling his wares, with his trusty dog Clover and, occassionally, his sole friend Jade. Business isn't that great, but he's making do with what he has, and has effectively settled for the life he feels is the best he's ever going to get.


- best friend -

So far, his only real friend. He can't tell if he genuinely has a crush on her, or if he just doesn't know what it feels like to have a genuine friendship with someone, but either way, he wants to hug her and never let go. He only wishes she felt the same way.

- sister -

He's got some killer survivor's guilt. She used to be the only beacon in the blackness during his childhood, and he hopes there's an afterlife out there that's treating her well.


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