Raion Tategami



7 years, 28 days ago

Basic Info


14 (Fusion)
15 (Masters)
17 (Fury)
24 (Zero-G)


Non-non (by Yu)
Electric Lion




Bisexual Biromantic (Polyamorous)


June 21


5'8" (173 cm)


154lbs (70kg)








Lee Jennings (The Funeral Portrait)




A lonely boy creating his own identity and finding friends along the way.

shoe reference

  • Favorites:

    Food: Soft Serve Ice Cream; Crab Salad
    Drink: Iced Matcha Latte; Genmaicha; Canned Coffee
    Music: J-Rock; Alternative; Midwestern Emo
    Colors: Olive Green, Pale Yellow, Dark Purple


  • Personality Traits:    

Positive: Passionate | Charismatic | Honest | Reflective

Hes like, a really good guy. im sorry i havent written his personality out in these sections its really hard. hes chill.

Negative: Argumentative | Opportunistic | Expedient | Vindictive

Even though Raion generally is a friendly person, he does have quite a fair bit of the infamous "Tategami temper," quick to retort and easily provoked. Raion does have a lot more of a handle on his anger, often doing breathing exercises to calm himself down from snapping. After the incident with Ryuga during Battle Bladers, hes learned to be more than his anger and overpower that side of him in order to be the "bigger person" during a conflict.

Neutral: Casual | Proud | Familial | Iconoclastic

Typically, Raion is heard before he is seen. Easy going, and rather loud, it's often a surprise to many at first that he's the younger brother of the infamously stoic Kyoya. Raion usually isn't one for formalities, speaking in a very casual way and laid back (which can get him scolded sometimes,) as if he's known the other for years. Nobody tends to hold the informality to him, as he normally means well by being so friendly with others, and generally his actions are more respectful than his words. 

That aside, much like Kyoya, Raion is a proud individual. 

  • Beyblade: 

Tainted Cougar MGS130 MCS (Fusion)
Tainted Cougar II MGS130 MCS (Masters)

Type: Attack
Element: Electricity
Beyblade Spirit Appearance:
Much like it's animal counterpart, Cougar is a lighter brown color, however, the belly and muzzle areas are a darker brown as opposed to the actual animal. It's unwavering golden eyes are entirely pupiless, which adds even further to it's already ghastly face due to the scar that rakes across it's face. This particular spirit of cougar wears armour made of bone, with spikes protruding along the spine, and greaves on it's hind legs. Cougar has a yellow, gold aura.
After escaping the Dark nebula, it's to be noted that Cougar has dark purple splotches on it's fur, and one of it's eyes begins to glow red, due to the Dark Power within Raion. During Masters and onward however, this is no longer the case. It should be noted that regardless of seeming to have healed from it's ailment post Masters, whenever Raion is preforming his Dark Move, both of Cougar's eyes glow red as result.

Beyblade Parts:
Face Bolt: Cougar (Metal Face)
The face bolt depicts "Cougar," which is representative of Leo Minor, the lesser lion, which is one of the 88 constellations. This face bolt is made of metal.
Energy Ring(s): Cougar I & Cougar II
Cougar I: This energy ring is made solely of plastic, which compared to it's future forms, takes away much of the spin steal that Cougar is known for, especially as it is already missing the automatic spin steal left spinning beys have. Much like Lightning L-Drago, Tainted Cougar has two "modes," by turning the energy ring 180° allows it to switch between these modes, Upper Mode and Multi Hit Mode. Although, unlike the L-Drago energy ring, Cougar is an energy ring that is compatible with multiple different fusion wheels. However, only when it is used alongside the Tainted fusion wheel are there these two modes.
The version Raion utilizes is a light orange plastic, almost appearing peach in color. Note that this energy ring was cracked in half during Raion's battle with Ryuga in the Battle Bladers tournament, rendering it useless and irreparable.
Cougar II: As opposed to it's first iteration, this energy ring features rubber lining, primarily on the circumference and the top of the beyblade, aiding to it's spin steal capabilities and a little bit of defense, deflecting and absorbing attacks by creating additional friction. On the flip side, the rubber takes some of Cougar's smash attack away, but it is still a vicious thing to get caught by. Unlike Cougar I, Cougar II can only be used with the Tainted fusion wheel, as it was specifically designed by Madoka for Raion (as the original energy ring had been destroyed,) in order to fully take advantage of both it's mode change and smash attacks when used with the Tainted wheel. The names of the mode changes remain the same as before, unlike Meteo L-Drago, who's modes have changed names to Barrage and Assault respectively.

  • Multi Hit Mode: This mode is useful against beyblades that are easily knocked off balance, primarily attack types and larger defense types that do not have their weight equally distributed. This mode reveals the jagged edges of the Tainted  wheel, resulting in many barrage attacks with every hit, steadily draining spin from the opponent. The jagged edges seem to "grip" the opponents beyblade, resulting in further spin steal.
  • Upper Mode: This mode reveals the heavier, more solid protrusions of the  Tainted wheel, resulting in an intense smash attack, slamming the  opposing bey down and down again in a brutal assault. This mode focuses  on raw power to a quick, clean and easy win for Raion.

Fusion Wheel: Tainted
With the Tainted fusion wheel, it isn't hard to see the resemblance to both of the Lightning and Meteo wheels, mirrored in the opposite direction. Tainted also has six protrusions, three three following a irregularly serrated pattern, with the remaining three being slightly smoother and bulkier. The FOIL to Rock can be more easily seen when comparing their wheels, Rock being generally more smooth, heavy and rounded, with indents being methodically placed; whilst Tainted is more erratic and toothed in design, and generally lighter than Rock. Three of the ridges are smoother, alternating in order with the more rugged ones, which have been noted to resemble bolts of lightning.
Spin Track: Magnet Shield 130
The Magnet Shield 130 is another version of the Shield 130, with a magnet within it that can be taken out and flipped over if so desired (repelling against the stadium floor being ideal for attack, and attracting being ideal for defense.) The magnet also stabilizes the bey's center of gravity slightly, giving it more stamina. This track has a ring around the core in order to absorb hits and reduce recoil, in the shape of an imperfect circle. Due to it's shape and odd height, it also provides balance and defense against lower attacking beys, which is much needed due to primarily using parts made for attack types and thus ends up with little stamina and defense as a result.
Performance Tip: Metal Coating Spike
The metal coating spike is a variant of the coating spike, as implied from it's name, is made of metal aside for the rubber coating on the very tip. This adds some weight to the bey, giving a little bit more defense and stamina, while the rubber coating allows the beyblade to create aggressive and unpredictable attack patterns when knocked even slightly off balance. 

Battle Style:
Despite not having battled for nearly as long as his brother and their friends, Raion is incredibly skilled and should not be taken lightly as a result. Raion's eagerness and knowing how to drive his anger into a positive driving force, is a force to be reckoned with, whether it is training out of spite, picking up on other bladers' styles and tricks due to curiosity, or just the general strive to learn more about beyblade as a whole, to not only meet Kyoya's level, but to perhaps surpass him.
It is said that Tainted Cougar was designed to not only be a FOIL of one of the ideal defense types: Rock Leone, meaning that Tainted Cougar is an ideal attack type, but to also mirror the left spinning Lightning L-Drago in terms of design and performance, as a right spinning bey designed by the Dark Nebula. This can further be seen in Raion's battle style (in which one tends to assume is similar to Kyoya, but in reality is vastly different,) applying his bey's unique shape into both speed, spin steal, and short but effective bursts of attack, almost seeming to "drill" into it's opponent, similar to Lightning L-Drago. This reflects Raion's own loud and explosive personality, contrasting Kyoya's cold shoulder and reclusiveness; Rock Leone is all rounded, a reflection of Kyoya's need to constantly be the best in defense (which it excels at,) stamina, etc, whilst Raion wants to do the best with what he has and push Tainted Cougar's attack ability to the fullest. Although, both can get very "wild," in their own way.

Special Moves:
Volt Surge:
Cougar uses the rubber coating of the performance tip to create charges of static electricity from it's friction and speed, and as a result, negatively charges Cougar. This charge is released as cougar collides with it's opponent, not only shocking them, but stunning them enough to slow and steal their spin. In Masters, Cougar's energy ring is upgraded to Cougar II (Cougar 2,) which aids further in it's spin stealing capabilities. 
During this special move, as Cougar manifests, it can be seen batting it's opponent with its heavy paws, often knocking them away and/or into the air, often accompanied by the sound of a crackle of electricity which is often called a "growl" by Raion.

Volt Cannon:
An upgraded form of Volt Surge. Now, Cougar races around the stadium. Similarly to Gingka and Pegasus' Storm Bringer, it pulls the opponent closer to them, however it does not create a vacuum that cancels out an opponents attack like Storm Bringer, due to Cougar's erratic movement from it's performance tip and the change of air flow from it's fusion wheel. Volt Canon utilizes the magnet within it's spin track-- although the magnet itself is not powerful enough to impact the opponents bey in any way, it does repel against the metal components in the stadium itself, bringing it to unimaginable speeds. Due to this speed, Cougar creates a channel of sorts, which released a bolt of electricity into the opponent upon impact. This channel collapses in on itself, creating a clap of thunder as a result. 
Cougar's manifestation during this special move is essentially the same as Volt Surge, clawing at its opponent, although it can now be seen lunging and pinning the opponents beyspirit into the ground as well. Similarly to Volt Surge, Raion refers to the clap of thunder as a "roar," even though mountain lions do not roar. 

Outage Assault:
Similar to Thermal Pieces and Rock Leone, Cougar is able to control the air pressure around it due to both the friction caused by it's tip and the angle of it's Tainted fusion wheel. Where as Thermal Pieces creates high air pressure, Cougar creates an intense low air pressure. Although not used for mind games by disorienting the opponent, it is used to create it's own weather system of a "storm." Cougar, much like Leone, can create a twister, although nowhere near the power Leone can due to it's spin track disrupting the flow of the air. However, Cougar makes up for this by creating it's own clouds. This miniature storm disrupts the amount of electrons within the air and often results in lightning flowing throughout the tornado and striking the opponent as they clash. This special move however, uses a lot of stamina, even with Cougar's spin stealing abilities, so after the clash the twister dissipates and the air pressure returns to normal. 
Cougar typically does not manifest during this special move, however in the instance that it does, it is often seen and heard letting out a battle cry of ferocious roar just before the miniature storm vanishes. Whether this is the spirit actually roaring, or just due to the high pressure wind is up for debate. 
This move, due to the intense air pressure change and general weather, also puts quite the strain on Cougar, causing it to have cracked on occasion. As it is cracked, it has disrupted the air flow just enough to create a "wailing" sound with the wind. Raion only uses this special move if he has no other choice. This move was inspired by Kyoya's Lion Gale Force Wall.

Discharge Tempest:
This move can only be used outside, or in stadiums that are open and have no roof. It is the most powerful directly before, during, or directly after a storm when there is an abundance of electrons in the air and are in high charge. However, it can be used on a clear, sunny day-- a present storm just makes the move more powerful than it already is, as the beyblade has less work, due to all the components being provided due to the weather. Cougar's friction causes an updraft of warm air, before Cougar flies into the air by using the stadium as a ramp. The positive charges are brought up, and the negative charges are brought down, creating a bolt of lightning as they meet, using Cougar as a conductor to direct the bolt of lightning towards its opponent. Essentially, Cougar is used as a Lightning Rod.
As Cougar's beyblade is sent into the air, that is when its spirit manifests, lightning crackling wildly from it's mouth before bringing down it's jaw and fangs onto the opponent just as the lightning strikes down from the sky. Raion signals for this special move by calling Cougar to "scream."

Dark Moves:

Black Lightning Impulse Strike:
mmmmmm idk


  • Interests:

- Music; 

  • Quotes:

    "You keep telling me that beyblade is dangerous Kyoya, but I have to ask, are those scars on your face from a beyblade? Maybe it's because of dangerous people with beyblades, or maybe it's because 
    you're the one making beyblade dangerous."

    "I'd UNDERSTAND, if I was a blader? Is that it!? I'd understand taking advantage of others, stealing the things they cared about away from them, seeing them squirm under my boot like little beetled? I don't think I want to understand. I never want to understand; what I understand is that is it absolute disgusting, and if that's what being a blader is about, I want none of it, Kyoya Tategami. You're not a blader, you're not my brother, you're a tormentor.

    "The scars on your face are those of a liar. Mine, are that of a warrior."

  •  Headcanons

    - Both of Raion's parents were often absent due to their work, and growing up the three brothers would fall under the term "latchkey kid." After school, they would be unsupervised for the majority of the day, until one or both of their parents had returned from work (Their father was rarely ever home, as he traveled frequently due to his work.) Kyoya, being the oldest, was trusted with the responsibility to take care of his two younger brothers (Raion and Kakeru,) as well as himself. Unfortunately, both Raion and Kakeru never appreciated Kyoya taking care of them until later in their lives, even apologizing to him later in life.

    - The beyblade Cougar isn't also based on the Leo constellation, like Leone is. Not many know the lesser lion, Leo Minor, situated between Leo and Ursa Major. That is the largest reason why Raion feels so much of a connection with Cougar-- they are both outshone by their family, and even mistaken often as the other. Neither hold any ill will to this; they just have to shine even brighter to be recognized.

    - Unlike Ryuga and Tsubasa, Raion's Dark Power was not due to Lightning L Drago's transfer of power, even though it was originally extracted from Ryuga and Lightning L Drago due to Doji's experiments to create a "super soldier" army of dark powered bladers. The extracted Dark Power manifested differently in each blader from their own insecurities and emotions-- essentially, this extracted Dark Power within the other bladers is comparable to the earliest versions of Lightning L Drago in ancient times. Reiji had been the first to undergo these experiments, essentially getting consumed by the power and not fighting it, and Raion was the second in these experiments. While Ryuga and Tsubasa had resisted the Dark Power, Raion had readily accepted it, although he had come very close to possession during his battle with Kyoya as his brother broke into Dark Nebula, and during his battle with Ryuga due to letting his anger and resentment getting the upper hand. Compared to Ryuga and Tsubasa, who had actively fought against the dark power (Ryuga having to be freed by force from it's influence, and Tsubasa having to accept it as a part of himself,) Raion utilized the Dark Power as a tool, his strong will and drive (usually) outweighing it's influence directly from the start-- this is part of the reason why he is still able to use his Dark Move after Fusion, compared to Ryuga.
    When Cougar is seen to be "infected" with Raion's Dark Power after escaping Dark Nebula, it's more of a reflection of Raion's fragmented mental state and feeling as if he doesn't know who he really is, rather than the Dark Power taking over his beyspirit and soul, as during Masters not only is the "infection" no longer present, but it's clear that Raion had turned over a new leaf to become his own person. 



Raion's childhood was relatively happy, born as the middle child to his hard working upper middle class parents. From a young age beyblade had played a large role in his life. His older brother, Kyoya, had inherited his beyblade, Rock Leone, from their father and had the dream to be the best blader around, and perhaps, even in the world. Raion and Kakeru, the youngest sibling, had played with beyblades themselves growing up, often creating their own custom beys, but neither had anything close to the connection Kyoya had with Leone, even though they had all played together. Due to that, as they grew older, both were slightly envious of that fact, especially as Kyoya was now beginning to distance himself to train to become stronger even from a young age. Sometimes, Kakeru had commented to Raion that "Kyoya doesn't even feel like our brother sometimes-- he just lives here and beyblades." However, neither had understood the sheer amount of pressure Kyoya was facing in order to become the best; not just at beyblade, but everything else (such as school) as well.

Their parents were incredibly strict, more so their father, who had great expectations of each of his sons, but as Kyoya was the eldest, most of those expectations were on his shoulders and there was a disproportionate amount of attention given between the siblings. Kakeru felt robbed of any attention, while Kyoya felt extremely stressed that he wasn't meeting the expectations of their father, that he never could make him proud-- all around, each sibling faced emotional neglect from their father, although unintentional, it still impacted them greatly. Kakeru and Kyoya often had arguments about this, with Raion as the mediator and passing messages between the two whenever they refused to talk to one another. 

Soon, it was announced that their parents were getting divorced.

The family had eaten their dinners in silence after the news had been dropped, and tensions were high. The divorce only stressed Kyoya further, and his grades began to severely drop, earning plenty of stern words from their father, which unfortunately didn't help the matter, and Kyoya had stopped caring about school and himself, taking solitude in his own company, choosing to stay out late to beyblade in the streets and back alleys-- even going so far as to skip school and ignore his already struggling grades altogether. Kakeru's discontent of the situation had him often lashing out at Kyoya, claiming that he wasn't taking things seriously and only thinking of himself, and eventually, even going so far as to blame the other for the broken state of their family. Kakeru had isolated himself to his room, or at the nearest skate park, temporarily dropping beyblade as a hobby, as it made him think of Kyoya. Raion at this point, had felt very alone in the world. Not only were his parents separating, but it had felt like his small support system of brothers was also crumbling away. Similarly to Kakeru, Raion had dropped beyblade as a hobby, but only because he no longer had anyone to play the sport with.

A few weeks later, just a day before their mother was going to move out, a fight had erupted between Kakeru and Kyoya. Both blamed the other having started it, an offhand comment from Kakeru throwing shade at his oldest brother, or a snide retort from Kyoya himself, but regardless words had been thrown from either side. Kakeru had claimed that Kyoya's lack of empathy was destroying the family, that if Kyoya this, or Kyoya that, maybe if Kyoya had "actually cared," their parents would still be together. Kyoya's words had been equally as aggravating; insisting that Kakeru was just jealous, and that the other shouldn't be so weak and helpless if he had actually wanted something some about the situation himself. An argument filled with insults had quickly developed into a yelling match, and then escalated even further into physical violence-- Kakeru had thrown a punch that Kyoya had blocked, slamming Kakeru into the wall as a result.

Raion could only watch what was happening with silent shock, actually blaming himself for what was happening because he had encouraged his brothers to actually talk to one another instead of distancing as much as they had, but now here they were, at each others' throats and fighting. Raion had never been much of a person to cry, but he had let the tears flow out, flinging himself between his brothers and begging them to stop, that "family isn't supposed to fight!" 

The silence in the room had been deafening; both Kakeru and Kyoya feeling shame over what had happened. Kakeru was the first to break the silence, looking away as he spoke, "I'm going to live with mom in America," before glaring at Raion and Kyoya. It was clear in his eyes that he had believed that Raion had taken Kyoya's side-- even though that was not the case. Raion has just wanted the endless arguments and fighting to stop.

Kakeru's final words to both Kyoya and Raion had been "You're not my family anymore."

For a while after Kakeru had left, things seemed to have been mostly mended. Their father was still busy with work, as per usual, but Kyoya had been interacting more with Raion, and although he'd never admit it, he was afraid that Raion would leave him too. Unfortunately, as close as the two remaining brothers were becoming once again, Kyoya began venturing out once again to participate in street battles, although now in secret-- this could be considered the start of the Face Hunters, Kyoya's beyblade gang, as Kyoya had began to have people searching for him due to wanting a powerful opponent. Despite this, Raion managed to maintain the connection with his older brother, partially because he didn't know what the other was up to during his late night "walks," at least, not yet.

Raion had begun to look immensely up to Kyoya, despite his brother being seen as the "delinquent" by teachers and even a few classmates, Kyoya was the strongest blader within their school, often battling in between and after classes. He had begun to idolize him, even go so far as to style his hair and dress up similar to his older brother-- maybe some of the spotlight would shine on him as well! Kakeru had taken their spare beyblade parts with him to America, so Raion never quite had the chance to get back into the sport. With Kyoya being so good at it, Raion had thought that surely Kyoya would come with him to buy a new bey, and maybe they could battle with one another again like they had when they were younger, maybe even teach him some new tricks!

That was not the case.

When Raion had first brought this up, Kyoya had quickly shot the idea down, claiming that beyblade was dangerous, and that Raion could start getting hurt. Although this had stung, Raion told himself that he'd ask another time, maybe Kyoya was just having a bad day. Unfortunately, what Raion did not know at the time, was that Kyoya was starting to become targeted by other kids at the school, often getting into battles he had no interest in, and didn't want to drag Raion into the mess. There had been many times afterwards where Raion had brought up the idea of getting back into beyblading, each time Kyoya shutting him down more and more, and each time Raion grew more and more resentful of his brother-- why did he want to keep this sport all to himself when they had used to share it?

Eventually, Kyoya was starting to distance himself once again, skipping out on class and purposefully isolating himself, but this time, instead of being for selfish reasons of self preservation, it was to protect Raion as he didn't want his remaining brother to get hurt or targeted due to his actions, or worse, to leave like Kakeru had. However, due to Kyoya's skill level, people were starting to look up to Kyoya as a blader and he had began to amass a small following of people who had begun to see Kyoya as a leader. Kyoya welcomed this following, as he had felt like he no longer control over anything, and this was an opportunity to in control of his life once again.

Regrettably, the Face Hunters had essentially become Kyoya's life.

Their father had made his disappointment in Kyoya clear for not taking his studies seriously and only focusing on beyblade, even going so far as to say that "You should be looking up to Raion, not the other way around." Of course, this had sparked an argument between all three family members. Their father, even though he was appreciative of Kyoya being good at the sport, tried to make a point that it shouldn't become Kyoya's whole life (even though it was a little too late at that point.) Raion had protested, stating he wanted to become good at beyblade like his brother-- the argument had ceased when Kyoya slammed the front door behind him, tired of quarreling. Raion had good faith in his brother, that he'd quickly return, however when he didn't, Raion went out to go look for him.

Raion had found Kyoya in an alley, beaten up and bloodied. 

Although Kyoya was laying on the ground, he was still conscious and not in critical condition at all, even giving Raion a couple of sarcastic quips as his brother took his sweater off, panicked, and began to wipe the blood off of Kyoya's face as best as he could. Raion pressed for answers, he was worried after all, but Kyoya never quite fully answered them. At first, Kyoya had claimed he fell, which of course from the bruises and perfectly symmetrical cuts on his face, that would surely scar, was obviously not the case. Kyoya couldn't bring himself to tell the truth, it was a lot to handle to hear that not only have a following of people looking up to him, but hearing that another beyblade gang in the area had jumped him, claiming he was a threat and although he physically fought back, he was outnumbered and was eventually pinned down cutting into his face with a pocket knife. 

Kyoya refused to tell the full truth, not wanting to worry his brother, and not wanting their father to find out how reckless he was being, which could result in Leone being taken, and had opted to tell a partial truth: that during his walk to cool down, someone had tried to mug him and he couldn't fight back, claiming he didn't have his beyblade on him for self defense, even though he did. 

Raion believed him.

Kyoya felt guilty of course, but he pushed it out of his mind, forcing himself to believe that it was better for Raion's sake. This incident did very little to deter him from his after dark walks, and although Raion was allegedly okay with this, with each passing "walk," he began to get more and more worried about Kyoya due to the incident earlier that month, and the fact that these walks seemingly got longer and longer; sometimes Kyoya would bring things with him and return with nothing. Raion had decided that he'd follow the other, just in case. At first, there was nothing to be suspicious of, a walk through a park, down a few roads; Kyoya had even stopped at a convenience store for a drink, and at that point Raion was ready to turn tail and go back, as nothing seemed out of order, until he noticed Kyoya head towards the harbour and warehouses-- how odd.

Raion had intended to only peek inside of the warehouse that Kyoya had slithered into, but what he had seen made him freeze. It wasn't anything he was prepared for-- Kyoya standing atop a stack of crates and barrels, like that was his throne, surrounded by a group of ten, maybe fifteen people around him-- everyone in the warehouse had their launchers aimed. Kyoya's laughter was, uncharacteristic to say the least. Somehow just by hearing it, it made Raion's own heart hurt hearing it. As twisted as it sounded, it also sounded more genuine and loose-- that Kyoya was actually enjoying himself, a laugh that almost sounded foreign to Raion's ears.

The battle Raion had witnessed was like nothing he had ever seen from Kyoya, it was as if he was actually trying, that he was into it, fully immersed and excited. It was disappointing to see that Kyoya had never acted like this around Raion, especially as Raion had believed Kyoya was open with him. However, when Kyoya had called the use of his special move, Lion Gale Force Wall, something he had never seen, he was both amazed and awed. However, with the intense winds, the doors he was hiding behind, opened up from the force, revealing Raion to not only the Face Hunters, but Kyoya as well, who was just as equally as surprised to see Raion.

Kyoya's surprise quickly formed into a scowl of anger. Noticing this, the Face Hunters headed towards Raion, who felt absolutely helpless in that situation, desperately looking up towards Kyoya for help-- Raion didn't have a beyblade, he wouldn't be able to defend himself, and would Kyoya really stand there and let this happen? Kyoya shook his head, calling off his goons. Now, he had no other choice but to confront Raion with the truth, well, most of it anyways. Constantly skipping class to come to the warehouse, spending almost all his time here whenever he could, because nobody else seemed to be able to give him the ruthless thrill of a battle he seemed to be so fond of, and when Raion had heard the truth about the scars, he had felt even more hurt and betrayed. Kyoya had been lying to him this entire time, and unfortunately for Raion, Kyoya had skirted around even more details, conveniently leaving out the part of the Face Hunters being a gang he controlled and not a group of teens training together, that it was a gang that had begun picking on weaker bladers for their points because Kyoya's need for control was starting to twist him into somebody who was manipulative and sadistic, even towards his own brother. 

In the end, Kyoya had said he was not going back home, dissing their father with a snarl. He had brought everything he would need with him slowly over the last few weeks, after all, what more could he possibly need with him? Raion had quietly asked about their friendship, and to his relief, Kyoya had said he can still visit if he wanted to-- Kyoya wasn't mad at Raion, but he was mad at everything else in his life. 

The only thing, was that Raion could never mention he knew where Kyoya was.

"Don't say anything to dad."

Before Raion had left, their father had fallen asleep on the couch. When Raion had returned, there was nothing different, aside from the emptiness in his heart knowing he wouldn't be seeing Kyoya nearly as often, and couldn't help but worry for him-- could he really get by on beyblading alone? Kyoya had given Raion a note, to place on the counter that he was running away, it would at least give their father the knowledge that Kyoya had left on his own violation. He didn't sleep very well for the next couple of nights.

Once again, Raion was alone.

This loneliness had been the worst. Raion didn't know how to cope with it, he didn't understand, he couldn't understand-- he was not a blader and Kyoya actively prevented him from becoming one, but why? Raion began over thinking, often reflecting on his own personality and how it affected others. Was Kyoya disappointed? Did Kyoya believe that Raion wasn't fit to become a blader? Slowly, Raion found himself falling further into a depressed and desolated state of mind due to not only the soul crushing isolation he felt, with his father busy with work and that his two siblings were gone from his day to day life, but also the over analyzing of his current life and how he had looked up to Kyoya. Was this how Kyoya felt when Kakeru had left? 

Even though he had seen Kyoya directly after school, for a few minutes every day, it wasn't enough. Raion had been missing someone who was incredibly important to him, someone who was still there, but had felt like a ghost-- and yet, he still idolized this person, but was this someone to be idolized? Raion had made the request to his father to be homeschooled, and although it wasn't a popular schooling option in Japan, it was still legal and thus his father had agreed, mostly out of pity for his one remaining son. Raion's grades did improve slightly in reality, but not by much. He often left the house for walks, to think, or to visit his older brother at his warehouses. Often, Raion would bring food and drinks during noon (Raion had not wanted to bother Kyoya too much, so he often stuck to a schedule,) whenever he had the hunch his brother was having trouble surviving, and during these visits he would patch up any wounds his brother had from what Raion assumed had been rigorous training. More and more bladers joined the face hunters, from people younger than Kyoya, to others easily five years older than even their valiant leader. Although they knew who Raion was and gave him no struggles, they were instructed to not overly interact with him, as he was not supposed to find out about any gang activities, such as the theft, vandalism, assault and of course, stealing not only beypoints from weaker bladers, but also their beyblades.

The best secrets can never be kept for long.

Raion's boredom eventually won over him, breaking his routine and going to visit Kyoya earlier in the day; he may not have been a blader, but maybe they could talk about the thing they once both have enjoyed? Maybe he could watch them all battle and train? (And perhaps, Raion would be able to ease the conversation in the direction of him acquiring his own beyblade?) Disastrously, as he was earlier than expected, he witnessed one of the gang's many illicit activities. At first, he heard heard yelling and had went off to find it, bringing him to his brothers warehouse and barging inside, finding a child no older than ten or eleven with his knees on the floor, crying out for his bey not to be stolen.

To Raion's horror, the one holding and sneering at the beyblade, had been none other than his own brother with a necklace of other stolen beyblades around his neck. The face hunters had been equally as shocked as Raion was, except for the opposite reasons he was-- why was he here? Kyoya hadn't noticed Raion until he looked up, feeling the blood in his veins turn into frigid ice in both panic, anger, shock, he really didn't know what to feel, but he had felt like he could barely breathe with the tension in the air. Kyoya tossed the beyblade back at the crying child, telling him to scram, which he didn't have to be told twice. No amount of explanation Kyoya could say would justify this behaviour, and he had known that, but what had hurt worse was the look Raion had given him, eyes full of tears and betrayal written on his face. All these years Raion had looked up to Kyoya, and now he had gone and done this? 

Raion's hurt quickly twisted itself into anger, yelling at Kyoya as the puzzle pieces fell fully into place. Was this the reason he had prevented Raion from becoming a blader? How long had this been going on? Did Kyoya even know what he was doing was wrong? (Kyoya had known it was wrong, but he didn't have a reason for it, he just wanted some control, a want to feel power.) Kyoya tried to argue back, saying if Raion was a blader he'd understand, but Kyoya knew it was futile coming from himself, even he didn't fully understand why he did the things he did. Even though Kyoya was angry at Raion, he knew that Raion was right and stopped fighting it, stopped listening, stopped watching. He could not bear to see or hear the pain Raion was in-- Kyoya couldn't imagine what he must have felt, and when Raion had denounced him as family as he left, he could see why; but Kyoya never changed. In fact, he got worse. Raion leaving had been the stick that broke the camels back, it was just one more thing he could not control, and he needed to let the anger out, even if it had meant becoming a criminal.

Raion never looked back at Kyoya, as tempting as it was.

In fact, Raion never even made it home.