[REMON] Blanche's Comments

Does anyone here interest you? https://toyhou.se/Feyri/characters/folder:2915934

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sorry just curious if shes for sale/trade ;u; shes a dream child <3

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would u take MYO dainty slot?

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omg yes I would love to trade ! Sorry I’ve been offline I have had Covid so I feel like crap!

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5 Replies

Does anyone here other then lux and anje interest u?


Hi hi, is this bab still ufo ? If yes, is there any character in my th for this cutie ?

My only nfs are Mika, Saphire and Nevra ^^ ~

Sadly not but ty for your interest! 

That's fine thank you for letting me know ! If you ever have a ping list could u notify me if she is ever ufo ? 

Are you interested in any of my characters?

Sadly I didn't see anyone but ty for offering!

Feel free to take a look at anyone in my th that doesn’t have a star! :D

I'm only looking for humanoid characters of a similar value. The only one, that I can see, that fits those two things is starred so I'll have to decline sorry ;w;