


3 years, 3 months ago


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aliases: N/A
gender: Female
orientation: Pansexual
birthday: March 22 age: 24
species: Elf
occupation: Herbalist
relationship status: Single
height: 5'6" / 167cm
eyes/hair: Gold / Black

Quote: "Is there anything more beautiful than nature"

Personality: | Kind | Thoughtful | Empathetic | Absent Minded | Indecisive |

God: Avaya, Nisha, Nala

Magic: Fauna

-Snare; Grows vines from the ground in an attempt to entrap the foe's feet rendering them immobile, though they can be easily broken.

Weapons: Two simple short swords for duel wielding.


Ever since she was young Kaya had lived in a cabin in the woods outside of haven with her parents, do to the dangers of living in a forest she learned to fight at an early age in order to defend herself if need be. Mostly she kept to herself her whole childhood as she didn't really go into the city much therefor didn't get to interact with a lot of people, its not like there were other kids just coming into the forest for no reason for her to be friends with.

After her parents had passed only a few years apart, she stayed at the cabin and continued to stay in the secluded area where she felt she would be safe. Not long after her parents were gone she decided she needed something to busy herself with because she didn't have anyone to interact with anymore. She already had some knowledge of certain plants due to her father teaching her of dangerous ones that she may incounter in the woods and shouldn't touch or ingest, with that in mind Kaya began to research more plants and gained a strong interest in them even eventually learning that she had gain Fauna magic but without much knowledge on magic what she could do with it was very limited.

As the years went by it was becoming seemingly more dangerous to stay in her cabin, monsters roaming closer than ever before, it had gotten so bad that she couldn't even stay inside safely any more so without much of a choice she had to flee from the only home she ever knew to the city for safety.

With no money or job she took to the guild for lodging and possible work, finally in a populated area she was eager to make friends with her guildmates.

  • Owns Way Too Many Plants
  • Languages: English
  • Accent: None

Likes / Dislikes

✔ Wildlife ✔ Nature ✔ Gardening ✔ Healing

✖ Trash ✖ Polution ✖ Selfish People ✖ Fire