


3 years, 3 months ago


"Cause' everything is a lot."

You're looking glamorous!

NAME Anamied
AGE Ageless
BIRTH-DATE June 21st


Anamied is a sona who represents my logical and strategic side, he's a tired and incredibly chill person to be around but he's also a pretty awkward and stressed out lad too, he's always stuck inside his own thoughts wondering if he made the right decision to a situation that happened like 8 years ago-

But although he might seem like a dude who can't get a hold of himself trust me, he definitely can! If his friends are in jeopardy he doesn't think twice about saving them from danger even if he gets hurt in the process.

He can be intimidating when he needs to be but otherwise he's fun to talk to and hang out with! He himself rambles about his interests a shit ton and before you know it you know his entire life story.

LIKES  Art, Crime Documentaries, Violins, House-Plants, Talking/Rambling, Hot Chocolate, The Night
DISLIKES  Procrastination, Dead-lines, Swimming, Public Humiliation, Idiots, Escalators



A magic rabbit,,, it is what it isss~


  • Over sized jumper he thought looked really cool so he wears it like a dress
  • The orbs are also the same color as his eyes
  • underneath his jumper is a sweater (imagine summer for this guy,,,)
  • He wears shorts underneath, he can wear whatever he wants under because his jumper is too big for his shorts to ever accidentally be visible.



they both don't have any backstory to be had im afraid,,,,



His best pal Gizzy! Not only a great friend but a great moral compass to look up to sometimes, Anamied used to even envy's Gizzy for their carefree nature he wishes he could have. He regrets ever thinking that though..

Besides best buds and morals they love to fuck around with eachother, pulling pranks, being goofballs and most of all making art together! 

On top of that, Anamied does treat Gizzy as a younger brother because of his hyper active personality that he likes to tag along with.


He honestly tries way too hard for someone like me (haha), making sure his mess doesn't effect my emotions and feeling. He basically wants the best for me and will do anything to make sure of that!


Anamied is really scared of evil Gizzy, he hates this side of Gizzy because of how much it reminds him of how much he used to be, a sad insensitive loser. A past he doesn't want to think back to so having his best friend turn into a gross amalgamation of that makes him the worst kind of uneasy.


Trivia (Exclusive to Anamied)

  • Anamied can create the same orbs that are worn on his neck. (Bonus!: they have many uses, his orbs are a good light source, can somehow make music and a scarily good blunt weapon...)
  • He has a staff :] (but like he never uses it but he has one)


  • They can both transform and summon objects/things
  • Both of them can't physically effect anything in the real world, but in their perspective they are very much in the real world just invisible basically.
  • They both don't directly effect my mindset or mood they just influence my thoughts

Fun Facts

  • Anamied used to be a scrapped oc (Adding to this: he used to also be a villain for my main ocs - just a evil magic man/rabbit).
  • The name "Anamied" is a play on words for unnamed and is also pronounced 'unnamed' so there, now you know how to say this stupid name !^^ 
  • His original fur color used to be piss yellow instead of it's more eye pleasing color that it is now. Idk i just thought that's funny.

code by icecreampizzer
photo credits: sidebar || header