


3 years, 3 months ago



"Quote here..."
Name Eòin
Name Pronunciation Oh-inn
Species Human
Age Adult
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Knight
Residence Human City (I'll remember later)
Status Alive
Design Notes
  • Tall, generally toned/muscular.
  • Deep brown hair, quite dark. Shaved on one side and wavy/curly.
  • Dull/dark green eyes.
  • Wears a pale/dull green tunic, with leather armour on top. Baggy darker forest green trousers tucked in to knee-high boots.
  • Usually wearing metal prosthetic arm, only takes it off to rest or if in a comfortable state.

Usually very quiet and introverted, he doesn't trust very easily nor does he speak out of place. He remains quiet and professional at all times. However, if he is with friends, then he is very nurturing and caring. He puts others before himself (though that can usually be to his detriment).

  • Eòin lost his arm not to a fight, but to a plague.
  • He is a knight, and was the most trusted and close to the King.
Enhanced Strength
It seems almost as if Eòin is stronger than the knights around him. Perhaps it is superhuman strength, or perhaps it is him adapting to having the use of just one arm.

Eòin was raised in a poor farming family, but worked his way up to prove himself and become a knight. He trained harder than most would bother, eventually reaching position as the most trusted knight to the King.

A plague ravaged the lands a long long time ago, but as it still affects some places in his lifetime, patrols are sent out to find and block off the places where the plague still remains, in order to let it die out and stop the spread. However, Eòin was not so careful during one patrol, reaching out to lean against the trunk of a nearby tree as he watched the patrol finish the barrier around an afflicted area of land.

The plague took hold, spreading up from his hand to his arm over time. He and the Prince Llewelyn (his close friend) tried to find the elf who had cured most of the population, but it seemed as if she had vanished off the face of the earth, for they could not find her. (By this point, most people - by blood - were immune to the plague due to her curing past generations). Though Llewelyn wanted to continue searching for a way to reverse the damage and cure him, Eòin took the initiative and chopped off his arm just under the shoulder - the lowest he could go. Hearing the news and seeing what his prized knight had done, the King grew a horrible hatred and resentment towards him. Though Llewelyn was able to convince him to keep Eòin as a knight due to his skills and strength (especially due to his training to use only his left hand to fight), the King never cared for him beyond that - all the love and kindness they had shared for eachother was gone in an instant. Eòin grew distrustful, resentful of himself also and how useless he had become. He believed himself unworthy of nice things, so he stuck to his work and his training and allowed nothing else to be in the way - though Prince Llewelyn and the Blacksmith Andarius refused to leave him alone, trying to keep that friendship alive.


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