Tirr'da Beaufort



3 years, 1 month ago


Tirr'da Beaufort
Basic Info
Name Tirr'da Beaufort

Gender Genderfluid (They/She/He)

Birthday 10 / 30

Age 26

Background Half Elf (Drow)

Height 6'

Hair Color White

Eye Color Blue

Zodiac Sign Scorpio

Class Cleric

Occupation Circus Performer

Affiliation Wee Jas, the Ruby Sorceress

Status Still kickin'

Playlist ♫♩

  • Animals
  • Parties
  • Showing off
  • Generally hanging out
  • Wandering
  • Jewelry
  • The undead
  • Pushy people
  • Being tied down
  • Messy places
  • Silence
  • Animal death
Class: Grave Cleric

Being a disciple of the Lady of the Book and Bone, Tirr'da's spells focus mainly on life, death, unlife, and undeath. Though they tend to talk more about other aspects of Wee Jas' domain - beauty, fire, festivities - they recognize that making sure the dead stay still is a pretty big part of her too. Most of their spells reflect that, though they try to stick to mostly general purpose ones.

Notable Spells
  • Gentle Repose - Tirr'da places copper pieces on the eyes of a corpse, making sure they cannot be resurrected or rot for the next ten days.
  • Revivify - She touches a creature that's died within the last minute, bringing it back to life in a weak state. This technically isn't making more undead because it's just, like, healing them.
  • Blight - Necromatic energy washes over a target, draining it of both vitality and moisture. Plants with Blight cast upon them wither and die.
Channel Divinity
  • Path to the Grave - Tirr'da can mark a creature for death, making the next blows against it mortally wounding. Wee Jas doesn't care about hurrying things closer to death, so this is also fine.

Most of Tirr'da's early life was been spent working in their parents' travelling circus as an acrobat and cortonist. Although they enjoyed the work; constantly moving, meeting new people, performing to the delight of others; it was never terribly fulfilling. They felt as though they had some greater purpose, and though they were able to try a great many things in their travels - alchemy, different sorts of art, small time political work - nothing quite clicked.

Until they stopped at a small village deep in the woods surrounding Neverwinter. A small group of devout Wee Jas worshippers stayed there, keeping to themselves until Tirr'da had wandered up to ask what was going on. She was led away to be properly introduced to the religion, and something about it just connected. Whether it was the style, the domain, or just some call by a greater power, Tirr'da was drawn to it. She was quickly inducted in, though her tight travel schedule meant that she didn't really get proper training to become a cleric. This mostly means that she's winging things wherever she goes, but so long as Wee Jas isn't striking her down, she's probably doing something right.

They've since the circus to travel as a full-time cleric, trying (and usually failing) to spread the word of the Ruby Sorceress. Again, they don't really care - Wee Jas hasn't voiced any displeasure and they get to wander around, so win-win. Their holy symbol being a brick of ruby in the shape of a skull at least helps them get attention in new places.

  • Tirr'da will never say where they got their holy symbol.
  • They're the oldest of three, with one younger brother and one younger sister.
  • Despite not training in a while, they're still good at flips and twisting himself into a pretzel.
  • He can play the lute, sort of.
  • Wee Jas hasn't yet directly communicated with them - as far as Tirr'da knows, that's normal.