


7 years, 1 month ago


Name: Lotus Blood Moon Raven Pandora
Species: Half succubus, half demon
Age: ??? (they don't measure time in the "underworld", it's not an important factor)

Gender Identity: female
Pronouns: she/her
Gender Expression: androgynous/feminine
Romantic orientation: biromantic
Sexuality: demisexual

Personality: mature (she's generally really calm and collected), morally just (is in conformity with what is morally upright or good, has a basis in or conforming to fact or reason), calm but stern (not afraid to confront people but does it in an appropriate manner, never lets emotions overcome her), bold (very unlikely for her to back down or shy away from anything, even if it makes her uncomfortable), secretive (why not exactly shy she makes sure to keep her personal life away from anyone who she feels doesn't deserve to know), laid back (fairly calm and easy going when it comes to taking care of problems and people), curious (eager to know and learn everything she gets her hands on), honest (is up front with any topic in hand)

Likes: to be social (as mature and calm as she might appear sometimes she's more then happy to strike up a conversation), likes her coffee and fashion as dark as her magic, enjoys witchcraft and meditation, takes joy in growing mentally and spiritually, weakness towards adorable/cute things
Favorite color: indigo/purple
Spirit animal: bat
Dislikes: being told what to do, showed disrespect and looked down upon, closed minded creatures, irrational thinkers
Biggest fear: being a failure

Random facts: -Right ear and vertical labret (she usually has them removed and wears at specific occasions; to look more "tough","edgy",if it goes well with the outfit, etc etc)
-is near sighted and needs glasses for distance (only wears them when she absolutely needs to, she's afraid to come out as a "know it all" or a "nerd" with her demeanor)
-has a beauty mark under the left eye
-pale skin