


3 years, 3 months ago


Worth: $35

Name: Seishi, meaning "Life & death". Given to him by the gods, he does not know his previous name.

Age: He died at 25, and has lived 200+ years since

Height: He is 5 ft 8

Weight: 128 lbs, he is on the skinny side yet his body is toned.

Hair: A Dark plum that seems to transition into a light purple, constantly moving as if by an unknown wind

Eyes: deep ruby red, the right glowing slightly.

Skin: Quite pale, almost ghastly. He has a tattoo of a lily on his right shoulder as it is considered a flower symbolizing innocence restored to the soul of the departed.

Food: though he no longer needs to eat, he continues to grow a garden around his home and occasionally partakes of rice and vegetables. It is a small confort to him to be reconnected with his mortal side.

He wears a skull mask over one eye, as he was told never to greet a fallen soul with his left eye as it was deemed "the eye of a mortal" and incapable of truly perceiving the soul.

He has polite mannerisms yet with the years has realized pleasantries are wasted on a passed soul, leaving him a man of few words.