
3 years, 2 months ago




calisto papilia
bunny humanoid

Inside the Papilia library, the one worker and owner Calisto, runs around in a frenzy. Calisto is a cute, anxious boy who inherited his library from his great-grandmother. While he does love running the library, he wishes one day to be able to adventure and learn about more butterflies.

Lost Within the Shadows

Calisto came from a hidden forest town, where magic was abundant. But as a humanoid/human hybrid, he grew extremely sick from his reactions to the potent magic. With prolonged exposure, it was possible for a child to become used to the magic, but one day, the effects turned so severe, he experienced a traumatizing seizure. So, his family sacrificed everything to make him safe, and took him away from his homeland. Cherished by his family and sheltered from the shadows of life, he grew up without any magic technology, only learning about the outside world through his books. It was not only his delicate complexion that seemed to hold him back, but also his controlling family, who misunderstood his childhood illness as a terminal disease that would kill him eventually. The truth about his illness became taboo to talk about. But, one day, in deep despair, Calisto ran away from his family, and everything he had once known. He had read books that had told him the secret long ago, and the constant illusion of truth broke his heart. So, he dissappeared, swearing to never come home to his controlling family.

The Forest

Coming across the sea through a boat had nearly made Calisto sick several times. But the human guiding him had been gentle, and kind to him when he looked weary. It had made Calisto's heart shiver with excitement and anxiousness for the new experiences and people he was to meet. Once they had reached the shore, he tried not to look back, but did. It hurt his heart to run away from his home, where it was peaceful, but what hurt him was the lies even more. So he continued on, before quickly reaching a small town with mostly humans. The faint traces of magic made him a bit weak, even though the humans there hardly used them. This is where he would mainly have to stop, to ensure that he wouldn't get sick anymore. The traces of magic were still strong to him now, but he would grow strong with the exposure.

now, he would hatch his plan. Deep in a grove near the village was an abandoned library, owned by his doting grandmother. She was his only supporter during the time, and had led him here. This was the only place he knew he could succeed, and become a normal person.

Has extremely bad memory, and has to write many things down to ensure he’ll remember it. Loves anything sweet. Has many friends because of his happy-go-lucky attitude. Sometimes remembers fragments of his old life as an axolotl, and afterwards acts extremely confusing. Can travel in water and on land. Is extremely picky with any foods that are not sweet.
Design Notes
Has long, wavy brown hair with a streak of white, one part of her character that signifies that she is an angel. Small cat ears decorate the top of her head. she can hear extremely well.> She covers her right eye with a magical letter, as it gives the most clue that she is an angel. (right eye is golden) Wears high boots/socks, covered in heart decals. Wears a thin, transparent skirt over her outfit. Please note that her right arm sleeve is transparent fabric too.