*Persephone Grace*




Name Persephone Grace
Age 20
Gender Female
Race French-American (Milotic*)
Occupation Business Student, Magical Girl
V.C. Anna Akana (Sasha Waybright from Amphibia)


Height 5' 10"
Build Thin, Willowy, Dancer's Build
Eyes Sapphire-Blue
Skin Pale, Cream-Colored
Hair Frosty-Lavender
Style Business-Formal, Fashionable


Persephone Grace is a confident and tactful 19-year-old Milotic magical girl. After feeling jaded and invisible to her parents, she wished to live up to the impossible standards of her parents (specifically her mother, as they spent the most time together). From her wish, Persephone became exactly what her mother wanted; a pretty Milotic daughter with the poise and confidence expected of a future business owner.

A powerful and polite young woman with an air of confidence about her, Persephone is nearly the definition of regal. She works hard to upkeep her image to those around her, desiring their validation and good graces. Her desire to be liked can push her to alter herself in order to become more like those she admires and wishes to be liked by. However, she can also be quick to judge and brush off others as not being worth her time, not looking to get her hands dirty with hard work or with people she doesn't deem 'worthy'. Hitting her confidence is the quickest way to get her to drop her regal persona and become upset, as despite how confident she plays herself up to be, her confidence is also quite fragile.

Practically born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Persephone lived in the lap of luxury for as long as she could remember. Her parents tended to move around a lot due to having several locations for their resort around the world, but otherwise Persephone was given just about everything she wanted. However, with this came many expectations to be perfect. At first, these expectations were managable. Tough, but managable. However, after her mother recieved word that she would not be able to have any other chidren, the expectations on Persephone grew much harsher as she was possibly now the only heir to the resort. Eventually, the expectations grew too much for Persephone and she pushed herself too far, causing a huge medical scare. However, it wasnt the scare that pushed her to making a wish. It was the fact that her parents couldn't be bothered to show up to visit her. This created deep dispair in Persephone's heart, pushing her to make her wish.




  • Roses
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Lace
  • Perfume


  • Mud
  • Denim
  • Crude Language
  • Greasy Food


  • Heiress to a decently-sized luxury resort called Silver Shoals
  • Does a lot of ballet, ice skating, piano, and violin
  • Scales have a slightly-pearlescent sheen to them
  • Excellent swimmer


Prom Queen

Candle Queen

Teen Idle

You Should See Me in a Crown

All Eyes on Me



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