


3 years, 2 months ago


He/Him  5'2, Gay

Bastard man, thief, and all around short tempered bastard, and a chronic smoker. 

Can't die and he far too aware of that.  Often even going to his advantage to use it help with his con's or using it to get out of trouble. Makes a living stealing, often rigged bets, and being an all around con-artist.
With his inability to die tends to be much more accident prone and reckless to his own safety.

Most of the time something that'd be lethal while it will hurt he'll tend to come back from it shortly after. If a limb is lost he can reattach it and it'll slowly regain function. He does still feel pain/requires food and water.  

Though it comes at a price with supernatural occurrences haunting him, he usually doesn't get into the source of the curse or its ramifications, most of the time lying about it when pressed.
Has a strange sigil carved into a side and many scars from various mortal wounds he's gotten.

Does not talk much about his past or how he wound up with a curse.

Before the curse he was still a bit of a short tempered asshole just to a lesser extent. Did work as a line cook, but now he makes no effort to hold down any steady job. 

Jae doesn't really have any strong sense of morals, but doesn't go out of his way to punch down, likes focusing his theft on 'rich assholes who can afford to lose some'. While he won't go out of his way to harm someone will throw people under the bus to get himself out of a jam. 

Born and raised a city dweller, and doesn't care to leave the city, but he makes a point not to go on the subway.
Doesn't have many close bonds asides from his older sister Molly, and Byron who it's ''''complicated'''' between them and mostly antagonistic