Akizuki Yuzuru



3 years, 3 months ago


Akizuki Yuzuru

stoic willow that withers in the fall

All she ever wanted was to live a good, just, and quiet life. Simple and restrained, never wanting for anything; whiling out her days faithfully doing her duty, never wavering from her beliefs. Perhaps her choices led to her current path -- but can you truly choose when your heart is the one making final call?

If you were none of these, still, the answer would be yes.

Physical Appearance

age adult

gender female

height 5'10" / 178cm

weight 155lbs / 70kg

build angular

eyes pale grey

hair black, streaked white

complexion fair

  • Japanese.
  • Tall, thin, tired birb mom.
  • Built along straight lines and harsh angles.
  • Dead-straight hair -- dark brown verging on black, streaked with white; tied in a high ponytail with choppy sections framing her face.
  • Very lean and wiry, and looks careworn -- but not harsh.
  • Dresses in more masculine-coded clothing -- slacks, suits, button-ups, oxfords; does not wear any accessories or adornments.
  • Wields five bronze nagamaki longswords with dark red wrappings.
  • Animal form: red-crowned crane.


species witch, crane

birthday jan 4

zodiac capricorn

alignment light-law

mbti istj

enneagram type 6, loyalist

temperament phlegmatic

arcana vi. the lovers

  • Tired, world-weary, and long-suffering.
  • Stoic to a fault; doesn't tend to emote.
  • Not emotionally constipated -- far from it. Feels a lot, and very acutely, but excels at keeping a stone face.
  • Awkward around strangers ... and acquaintances ... everyone ...
  • Subdued and low-key; does not like attention, and would probably wilt into a hole in the earth.
  • Does not like confrontation, and tends to stay silent during -- more to avoid a scene than anything else, though she will stand her ground quietly and stonily.
  • Dwells on the past and regrets a lot.
  • Solitary and reserved; does not have many close friends.
  • Others tend to take her for granted ...