


3 years, 6 months ago


Titles: The Starchild, Archon of Wishes
Species: [NB] Celestial
Personality Type: ESFP
Status: ???


Found and raised by The Great Serpent
Alongside her stellar twin, she wandered through worlds vast and many
But the little Starchild looked below on the worlds with melancholy
Pitying the many mortals that dwell within them all

To The Archons, the great Titans of the universe
Such life are only pawns to them who must submit to the Titans’ Will
Entering battle and conflict for The Titan’s amusement
Ever so miserable and pitiful, begging for salvation from The Titans

”The people that thrive in these worlds, who toil endlessly for their happiness.“
”Is it not wrong for them to claim their desires?” The little Starchild sighed

For years she has watched the mortals
Growing more and more attached to their fragility
It was only when The Archon of Mana crowned the child as her heir
That The Starchild decided to grant the first Wish

One that fateful day, The Starchild fell from her home in the heavens
Descending into the mortal realm below
And thus became the first shooting star


A girl who appears in the dreams of Astra. Although Astra doesn’t know if she is real or not, she feels a strong melancholic connection towards Aether.

[MP Spoilers below]

In Reality, Aether is Astra’s twin sister who was lost ever since the two star-children were attacked by Adam Kadmon, another of their own kind who was corrupted by the Malignant Void. 

Ending up in the Vanir homeland Vanaheim on the Planet Arcadia, the amnesiac Aether was mistaken for an Aesir and raised by a Vanir sage named Buri. Aether later grows up and becomes the legendary hero known as Ada Morgenstern

After regaining her memories, Aether lured a demonic Adam Kadmon into a trap with her, where the two fought a battle to the death. In her final battle, Aether gives up her mortality and ascends her Gnosis, defeating Adam. 

Aether chooses to save Adam’s soul from eternal damnation, making him reincarnate as Lucas Phyrre.