


3 years, 3 months ago


.: General Info :.

Name: Augustine Whittle
Pronunciation: aw-gust-teen wittle
Nicknames: August/Au, Birdbrain, Eggs
Age: 24
Birthday: December 26
Birthplace: Caelfall
Gender: Male (he/they)
Sexuality: Questioning, has a disinterest in romance for now. Adventure comes first!
Height: 5'6"/167.6 cm

.:Distinguishing features:.
A slim figure with an open collar shirt and oversized shorts.
Has bandages from minor hiking injuries. Hair is tied up into a ponytail.
Noticeably has large wings.

Current residence: Travelling...
Current home: Celius City
Occupation: Travelling musician, writer, and photographer
Relationship status: Single

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Khai Dreams

Language: Common
Other languages known: WIP
Style of speaking: Slow and almost drowsy. Sounds like he has a bit of a cold, making his voice a little raspy and somewhat breathless.

.: Personality :.
August appears to be a gentle and soft-spoken young man.
Although he can come off as too lenient, he is passionate and headstrong when it comes to what and who they love.
He brings an air of comfort to those around them, and tries their best to see from different outlooks of life.
An advocate for one's own freedom, and a man who loves life itself.

Likes: Travelling the world, learning and discovery, music, meeting new people, doing volunteer work
Dislikes: Staying in one location for too long, seeing people and animals hurt, taking sides, seeing garbage
Hobbies/past times: Hiking, writing, playing and learning musical instruments, photography, cooking cultural cuisine
Guilty pleasures: Petting and holding animals, spicy dishes, being surrounded by plants, warm sunlight, lying in the snow
Pet peeves: Heavy rain, getting heckled, microwave/instant foods, getting soaked
Personal goals: To travel the world and appreciate the beauty of life.
Religious values: Believes in some form of animism.
General intelligence: Emotionally intelligent and has a surprising amount of wisdom.
General sociability: Ambivert, though leaning more on the introverted side. Won't mind a small chat.

.: Relationships :.

Unnamed Mother and Father
Belza - His darling little sister. Often writes her letters and sends her souvenirs. Loves her to death.
Ram - Belza's boyfriend. Half-jokingly calls himself Ram's brother-in-law.


Friends (currently)
August had made himself friends from all walks of life in his journey.

Love interest
No one as of now.

.: Combat :.
Due to having to venture onto the wild and lush landscapes of Estorra, August has had to learn how to defend himself.
They mainly use their wings as an extension of himself and make quick jabs at the attacking force. Wings are also used to block oncoming attacks.

General Skills: General self-defense, basic survival skills
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful until provoked
Weapon(s) of choice: Anything around him, be it vines or even pebbles.

.: Abilities :.

August has large wings that he often uses as a second pair of hands.
He could use them to fly, but prefers walking.
-Acoustic Mimicry-
August is able to mimic the sounds of the various predatory beings that wander Estorra.
This is often used as a tactic to scare away anything that might go bumping in the night.
He's also able to mimic the sounds of objects and even the sounds of weather.

.: Fears :.

August has an incredible fear of never being to go back home to see his family again.

-Dead Silence-
August despises the dark, uneasy moonless nights without even a single insect chirping or leaves rustling.
It leaves him alone with his thoughts, bringing his anxieties to light.

.: Health :.

August had always been a sickly child, so much so he spent most of his childhood bedridden.
He needs to take extra precautions to achieve his goals of travelling the world.

-Stamina and Endurance-
Due to his lifestyle, August has developed great stamina and endurance, allowing him to walk the farther reaches of the globe.

.: History :.

Augustine was born to the well-known and higher class Whittle family.
As a child, Augustine was born with a severely immunocompromised immune system, leaving the poor boy to be confined to a bed for most of his childhood.
During those days, he'd picked up an affinity for writing and music.
He wrote ballads and stories in his time as a way to cope.

One particular night, young August snuck out and saw the outside world for the first time.
The sheltered child was fascinated by what he saw.
The Whittle household scrambled to find the young master once a housekeeper noticed that the child was nowhere to be found.
August was eventually retrieved, and was embraced by their worried parents.

After graduating college with a degree in music, August packed his bags and made the decision to roam the lands of Estorra, wanting to see new sights and desiring to learn and draw inspiration from the continent's great landscapes and cultures.
August is currently on his journey to travel all of Estorra. He has been documenting his experiences for a while and is working on a travelogue series.

.: Other Details :.

-August has extremely sharp memory, being able to recall and record whole maps of different areas and is able to recall the street names of each location.
They've also got a sharp eye for remembering faces.
-August has perfect pitch.
-The music August makes is classified under baroque pop, folktronica, and indie.