


3 years, 3 months ago


name applepaw

past name(s) applekit

starting age 6 moons [march 2021]

current age 14 moons

gender nonbinary

clan skyclan

rank med cat app


level 4
hp 15 / 15

attack 9 (-1)

defence 9.5 (-1)

agility 15 (+2)

charisma 11 (+0)

intelligence 13 (+1)

wisdom 18.5 (+4)



patient, aspiring, gentle
hyperfocused, creative, ascetic
pushover, clumsy, gullible

Patient: The apprentice's positive temperament is one of their strong suits; they are incredibly ready to sit back and wait for someone to respond to them, or attempt to try again in explaining something if others did not understand them the first time. This most likely originates from Applepaw's upbringing, in which their muteness has often required them to develop patience, as things don't come so easily to those that don't have a voice (literally). Applepaw's patience also extends to activities, as well, in which they will often calmly wait for occurances before truly deciding what to do.

Aspiring: One thing that they have always known is where they were going to end up in life: as a medicine cat. Even as a kit, Applepaw had always felt a strong sense of wishing to help those in need and was always in awe of how cats could be cured of a whole manner of things solely by plants. Despite this, Applepaw believes that medicine cats should not be given special privileges, such as a nicer den sheltered from rain or an already established presence worthy of respect. They believe that you should earn such privileges, and while, yes, they did show the right temperament and skill to become the future medicine cat, Applepaw doesn't agree with the notion of being "special".

Gentle: From a young age, Applepaw has always been very soft-pawed, not wishing to destroy things or hurt others in any way. This has only developed further over time, especially since becoming a medicine cat apprentice, in which Applepaw always ensures that they treat cats as carefully as possible. This nature has also come with many a cat jumping once their presence is known, as being mute as well as having soft pawsteps has resulted in an almost completely silent Applepaw. This gentleness, while overtly positive, does have a flaw in which Applepaw finds it extremely hard to attack opponents, opting for more of a dodge strategy.
Hyperfocused: Applepaw tends to become slightly obsessed with things that they're really interested in. At the moment, this specifically includes herbs, which the apprentice has put into a tier list - they have obvious favourites as well as ones that they have overt hatred for. While they do not let this get in the way of having to collect herbs, you will often find them either wrinkling their nose at something or swishing their tail around excitedly. Sometimes their hyperfocusing can include cats as well, and once they figure out that they do, indeed, like someone's company then it is quite difficult to separate them from said cat.

Creative: Due to the fact that they cannot speak, Applepaw finds it extremely difficult to divulge their thoughts and feelings on a matter. They can, of course, show they are angry through a scowl or sad through tears but it's especially hard to explain why. This generally means that they can't vent about stuff with words, and so they have developed a way to express their feelings: art. Be it through drawings made with berries or decorating the medicine cat den with certain herbs that calm them, Applepaw manages to share their feelings, albiet if it is only to themselves.

Ascetic: Be it due to religious devotion or their own moral code, Applepaw is extremely strict when it comes to self-desire. They can often be found outside the medicine cat den, out in the cold or rain, due to their belief that they shouldn't be given special privilege over other cats in the Clan. They will most often be the first to volunteer themselves for an especially gruelling job just to make themselves uncomfortable, or perhaps to, in their mind, "make up" for their respected rank.
Pushover: Perhaps stemmed from their gentle nature, the apprentice often finds themselves allowing others to get away with most things, especially if a cat behaves somewhat disrespectfully. Their ascetic beliefs probably go just a little bit too far in these instances, as they will hardly defend themselves against insults or bossiness, opting instead to just follow directions to avoid conflict. The only time this is never the case is when it comes to treatment - Applepaw takes this extremely seriously and prides themselves in their knowledge, so they will not be deterred so easily. Although, most of normal Clan life is pretty much out of their control and they kind of just do what others say.

Clumsy: Applepaw has extremely long limbs and seems to find them difficult to deal with because you'll most often find them sprawled amongst the bushes somewhere. While they love to keep things orderly, they often find this a little harder than necessary because they just seem to accidently swipe stuff around without much grace. The only thing that is stopping the apprentice from becoming a complete stealth expert is the issue of their clumsiness, and despite being completely mute, they can really make a racket if falling over especially hard (this is normally what scares cats out of their skins, because it happens so quickly and unexpectedly).

Gullible: They also have a tendency to believe whatever someone might say, especially if they admire or respect that cat. This mostly happens with their mentor, Burningmeadow, whom often threatens them with the wrath of StarClan whenever they're acting a little strange for his liking. Applepaw takes these threats very seriously and will forget all strong, moral beliefs if it means StarClan will not be mad at them anymore - although, after a while, this threat loses its touch and Applepaw can be found outside once more, until the scolding tone of Burningmeadow frightens them awake. The apprentice also is a stickler for the rules, and so it will be very hard for someone to make them break the Warrior Code, though it might be possible depening on how well-crafted the argument is.


  • Applekit was born to Dewthistle and Aspenbeam as a gift from StarClan.
  • This is a generally difficult time, as Tidestar has recently taken Blueberry Grove from SkyClan and there are anxieties about this causing a war. Due to the lack of warning, Applekit’s clanmates have become naturally defensive and protective, their mothers included.
  • The little kit didn’t have much of an opinion on Lilacstar’s actions due to the complexities involved, but they did understand the need for peace — they hoped that the two Clans could come to an agreement and avoid their parents from having to fight. Such concepts frightened them, and they tried to keep themself busy by playing and busying themself with other things.
  • Discussions of the war only grow worse, which doesn’t help Applekit’s personal worries. They didn’t understand how a piece of territory could be so important that it had to result in death and destruction, and whenever talk about it could be heard around them, they covered their ears and pretended it wasn’t happening. As a kit who hadn’t learnt the full scope of ranks and duties, they didn’t notice the leader’s absence, though they did hear their parents talk about. They wondered what it might mean, but it wasn’t that important compared to the threat of losing their parents.
  • Tidestar's and Lilacstar’s bodies are found near the Depths, though no explanation is given. Russetstar becomes the new leader of SkyClan. Applekit is saddened by the loss of the previous leader as they generally believed him to be caring and peaceful, though they have hope for his predecessor. They don’t know much about Russetstar, but he seems trustworthy and fair. The kit doesn’t blame TideClan for the deaths, nor do they hold any suspicion towards them — they believe that there is no point in throwing blame, as the Clans have a habit of doing.

  • Applekit becomes Applepaw, and is assigned Burningmeadow as their mentor. They are excited to begin learning about the many skills of a medicine cat, though they are very unhappy with the special treatment they receive because of this rank. They feel fortunate that the Gatherings have resumed just in time for them to begin going, though they understand that things remain tense with TideClan. It’s a good step to begin moving forward from the collective mourning, and Applepaw is hopeful for the future. There are also rumours brewing of giant beasts, and the apprentice is uncertain on how much to believe. Their devotion to StarClan enables them to believe anything is possible, though they do grow worried at the idea of extra threats lurking.
  • When SkyClan discovers the existence of the Ancient Eagle, Applepaw is actually one of the cats on the patrol. Seeing the beast is overwhelmingly frightening, though it seems to be friendly while asking for one piece of prey, and leaves with good favour. Hearing that TideClan also discovered such a creature, the Ancient Owl, is surprising — especially since it is a lot more violent than SkyClan’s guest. It troubles Applepaw that these creatures are here, especially after they have never been seen before — are they new to the land, or were they simply finally allowing the cats to see them? Whatever the case, the apprentice was unnerved by their appearance, though also slightly curious.
  • The Ancient Eagle returns, and offers a SkyClan patrol a warning against the pack of coyotes that soon attacks them. Due to this foresight, the patrol managed to prepare and fortunately all survived. This is enough to allow Applepaw to trust this particular beast, though it remains to be seen if the other one shares its nature. While many of their clanmates were suspicious of the eagle’s actions, Applepaw couldn’t help but feel grateful, especially because their cousin, Wolfpetal, was one of the cats who fought the coyotes.
  • Applepaw is present during the Gathering in which Cap’n appears, and experiences the vision. While the tom’s words are certainly strange, the vision isn’t, due to them having already communed with StarClan before. It makes the most sense for the two Clans to work together to figure out the mystery of the leaders’ deaths, and perhaps even work towards a more peaceful future. Applepaw is relieved that, for once, things don’t seem tense between the Clans. They are also interested in what caused the leaders’ deaths, but they also aren’t one to dwell in the past, so such things weren’t nearly as important as a future including a good relationship between SkyClan and TideClan.
  • A moon later, the details of the mystery are finally uncovered, with the ancestors being able to give the Clan cats a new vision with every small clue discovered. The culprit is an Ancient Shark also known as the Ravager, who admits to killing the previous leaders through a telepathic link. While the Ravager promises to continue to seek revenge, Rainstar argues that revenge has already been fulfilled through the loss of her kits, caused by her mourning her mate, Tidestar, which the Ravager accepts as ample payment. Applepaw can’t help but be shocked by this news, but even TideClan are as well, so this can’t have been well-known information. They are thankful, at least, that this pain resulted in the Ravager leaving peacefully, though they can’t help but pity the molly. The apprentice gains caution against the Ancients, now aware that not all of them care for the cats, nor even view them in a positive light. The destruction that the Ravager caused not only to their bodies but to the Clans as a whole is indeed frightening, though Applepaw is glad that the Clans are no longer blaming one another and finally have answers.
  • Things turn to the worst when Russetstar announces to the Clan that he plans to forcefully take back Blueberry Grove from TideClan. Applepaw knows that such a venture can never be done peacefully (Rainstar would just never give it up), so war seemed inevitable. However, just before things are about to come to a head, the leader passes away at the Gathering, with Pearlstar replacing him. While the apprentice wasn’t at this Gathering, hearing the news from the cats when they returned to camp had the same shock factor. Applepaw was mostly worried for Pearlstar, who they had grown close to and even thought of as a fatherly figure, and how he might be dealing with this unexpected change. They were grateful that Russetstar was finally at rest (after it was told that his own spirit had explained that his body and mind had been riddled with incurable illness), though definitely saddened by the loss. SkyClan seemed to have bad luck when it came to leaderly figures, so Applepaw prayed that this cycle wouldn’t continue.
  • So soon after stepping up as leader, Pearlstar announces that he is gradually losing his sight — permanently. Applepaw is, of course, worried about the added pressure this adds for him but also selfishly worries how the two might continue to communicate. The thought that they will never have a fully functional conversation again leaves them with a heavy heart, though they know their connection with the tom is what matters most. They would make it work. While they appreciate Pearlstar telling the truth, the apprentice feels defensive and protective of the leader due to their own clanmates perhaps doubting him. Applepaw frets about how long this can be kept a secret from TideClan, because it’s a matter of ‘when’ and not ‘if’, and if the opposing Clan will attempt to take advantage of this information. They’re proud of Pearlstar for promising to train to overcome this shift, and are fully supportive of him continuing to be leader.

  • Not yet.


  • Cats who show enthusiasm for the same things that they like.
  • Herbs!!! Not lavender though, lavender sucks >:I
  • Creating anything. Makes their brain go brrrr.
  • "Weird" weather; e.g. storms.
  • Any cats that purposefully break or disregard the Warrior Code.
  • Liars.
  • High ranking cats that brag about their status.

  • Applepaw
    • Apple — For their sweet and cheerful personality as well as their red fur.
    • Paw — Traditional apprentice suffix.
A lanky cat with a pale tan base with red patches along their head, front legs, back and tail. They also have small, round ears and head.


I respect him. He's... a little grumpy sometimes but that's just how he is, I suppose! I can't wait to learn more from him.

My favourite cousin!!! (What do you mean she's my only cousin?) She's very protective, even though she's a big scaredy-cat and I think that's funny.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis auctor elit sed vulputate mi sit amet. Nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor. Nunc mi ipsum faucibus vitae. Risus sed vulputate odio ut. Ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu.