Dreali North



3 years, 2 months ago


The sun'll come out...next year maybe..?


  • Heights
  • Swimming
  • Owls
  • Selûne
  • Children


  • Drinking
  • The Law
  • Shar
  • [redacted]
  • Blizzards


  • Dreali doesn't know his last name, he chose North when he moved north
  • He never knew his mothers name, he just called her mom
  • Meat makes him sick
  • The story book belonged to his older sister, she would read it to him, and then he read it to his younger brother
  • He used to have his nose pierced
NAME Dreali North
AGE ???
CLASS Cleric (Twilight)
RACE Half-Drow
BACKGROUND [redacted]

Devoted follower of Selune, Dreali has accepted his first mission from the Goddess and has moved to Ten Towns to keep an eye on Auril for her.

Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.



Dreali was a rather vulgar person, sarcastic and not always fun to be around, but he tries his best to behave responsibly nowadays, in honor of Selune.

He is very good with children, and is fiercely protective of those he cares about, although the list is quite short. He wants to be a warmer person.

Past i


Past ii


Dreali will not acknowledge this part of his past, and has only ever spoken of it to Selune.

Ten Towns

Now a follower of the Goddess, he moved where she told him to, meaning Ten Towns. There he helps around, simply following orders given to him.

Dreali is permanently stressed about the world situation, but is gradually warming up to his new companions.

Alaster Friend

Dreali thinks Alaster is the most level headed of the party, and trusts his judgement. They bonded during watch one night, Alaster carved him a wooden fish and Dreali taught him about the stars, Dreali respects Alaster alot, and is interested in learning more about him.

Enjolras Friend

Dreali didn't realize how attached he had gotten to Enjo until he was mid punch to the townspeakers face. He seems so caring, Dreali just wants to help him and keep him safe, and he's so young. He felt rather proud of himself when Enjo came to him for help with his god, he didn't expect anyone to want advice from him. But also this kids brother is an owlbear? That's hardcore, Dreali is impressed and also so, so confused.

Rowen Friendly

They still haven't talked much, but she was cool when she threatened Sio. She cares deeply about children, which he respects in a person. Plus she didn't break his book when he leant it to her, which leads him to believe she's decently trustworthy.

They've talked some, but the situations Sio keeps putting himself in stress Dreali out to no end. He doesn't want to nag anyone or be annoying, but stealing a fish? Really??? There was really no point for it. However Sio is also running away from a parent, bonding material!

Vadryn Acquaintance

They've still not interacted, all Dreali knows is to not call him by his first name, which is insanely sus. Almost relateable though, he guesses everyone is running from something, including himself.

Watching him lose that fight was kind of funny though.

C Half-Sister


Z Half-Brother


J Friend


Mom Parent

He found another wanted poster, oh boy is he worried about what she's up to right now.