Cristina the Butterfly



3 years, 2 months ago


This is Cristina, a butterfly-like pixie girl and the main character of my concept. She's very curious, passionate and idealistic. She has a strong desire to help people and wants to see the good in them. She's also very creative and loves to draw and design fashion~

Gender: FemaleĀ 

Age: 23 (Physical age) (Actual age unknown)

Height: 5'4''

Occupation: Aspiring fashion designer, explorer

Likes: Fashion, peaches, hummingbirds, wolves, art, autumn, winter, jazz music, comics, coffee, cheesecake, macarons, chocolate, mornings, writing, exploring, creating unique clothing designs (that goes with peoples' personalities/passions)

Dislikes: Being called "unrealistic", prejudice, disappointing others, loved ones getting hurt, staying up too late/not sleeping well, mean pranks/jokes, sharks, heat, getting into arguments, getting her wings wet, forgetting French words (is currently more fluent in English)

Abilities: Flight, solar empowerment (ability to gain energy from the sun), light manipulation powers, size reduction (able to shrink), has some knowledge in using magic (healing magic, for example. Is still a beginner)

Strengths: Intuitive, hardworking, dependable, creative, artistic, sympathetic/empathetic, open for learning new things

Weaknesses: Naive, stubborn, scatterbrained, gets too lost in daydreams, often blames herself if she can't help someone, gets easily attached, rebels against the rules (for the sake of helping others, but still takes things too far)

Personality: Curious, passionate, adventurous, idealistic, intuitive, creative