Kim the Moth



3 years, 2 months ago


This is Kim~ She's a moth-like pixie and the best friend of Cristina. The two go on adventures together a lot! Kim is known for being very courageous, tough and has a love for adventures. 

Gender: Female

Age: 25 (Physical age) (Actual age unknown)

Height: 5'6''

Occupation: Explorer, researcher

Likes: Traveling, competitions, exploring new places, taking new opportunities, shopping, autumn fashion, listening to stories, storytelling, dark chocolate, reading, fuzzy boots, nighttime

Dislikes: Making mistakes, getting into dangerous situations, sharp objects, arriving to parties too late/too early, getting lost, early mornings, failure, cheaters in competitions, getting sick

Abilities: Flight, lunar empowerment (ability to gain strength from the moon), light manipulation powers, size reduction (ability to shrink)

Strengths: Skilled explorer, good researcher, confident, strategic, perseveres a lot, good at preparing for dangerous situations

Weaknesses: Overly harsh with criticism, cocky, stubborn, has a hard time trusting new people, gets too hard on herself when she makes mistakes