Artichoke Carys (C0NSTANTS W4 AU)



6 years, 10 months ago


even artichokes have hearts

【 Name 】 Artie Carys【 Gender 】 male
【 Age 】 24【 D.o.B. 】 February 14
【 Location 】 The Woods, New York【 Race 】 human (Tale)
【 Role 】 Officer【 Theme 】????
【 Charisma 】

【 Empathy 】

【 Patience 】

【 Stamina 】

【 Courage 】

【 Integrity 】

【 Perception 】

【 Judgement 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Humor 】


A police officer with a magical connection to the animal kingdom.

[ P O W E R S ]

fairy tale : what came of picking flowers

character : the boy

- Rank 3 - Alliance with the King : can communicate with an animal after he befriends them.

[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ]

Doesn’t have any self-confidence, and thinks that other people can always do a better job than he can. Does his best anyways. Holds his friends in high regard. Kind/Empathetic. Very gullible, more reserved, a bit oblivious.

[ H I S T O R Y ]

Artie and Gus were left at an orphanage located at the edge of the state of New York. Gus was 4 years old at the time, while Artie was barely a few months. The orphanage wasn’t given a reason for why the siblings were being left there, only that the mother wasn’t coming back. The father was nowhere to be seen.

The brothers grew up in the orphanage together with relatively no problems. They attended school with the other orphans. While Gus was Artie’s brother first and foremost, he also often times acted as his guardian, making sure he was being taken care of and looking out for him.

When Artie was six, he found an injured bird and convinced the orphanage to let him take care of it. He named it Omelette, because that’s what he had eaten for breakfast, and because he wanted someone else to have a food name like his brother and he had. Omelette, for some reason, did not fly away after healing, and seemed to grow attached to Artie.

The brothers and Omelette lived a fairly happy, care-free life, in the small orphanage a little on the edge of civilization, until it closed down due to a lack of funds. The orphans were shifted around to larger orphanages, or were adopted by distant relatives who were contacted out of desperation. Artie and Gus were not part of the latter, and so were moved to an orphanage in New York City that was willing to take in a few extra children. The brothers took with them the clothes on their backs and Omelette, and quickly settled into their new home, expecting to live similarly to how they had at their previous home.

It came as a great surprise when the bird started talking to Artie.

Although nobody really knew what to do about it, the adults had heard rumors of Tales (sketchy, wildly inaccurate rumors), and became immediately wary of what else Artie might be able to do. Would he turn into a bird? Call upon an army of birds? Control the wind? Breathe fire? The adults of the orphanage— and, gradually, the other children too— became more and more distant from the siblings, looking at them with a mix of prejudice and fear. Gus picked up on the adults’ attitudes and did his best to shield Artie from whatever hurtful words they might say, effectively secluding himself and Artie from everyone else.

When Artie was 14, Gus moved out of the orphanage, and took Artie with him. They moved into an apartment of their own, next to the university Gus had been accepted to. Artie changed schools to one closer to their new home, and brought Omelette with him. At Artie’s new school, he met an older Tale who had taken up teaching. Upon learning of each other’s abilities, the two became quick friends, the older Tale taking Artie under their wing almost immediately. The older Tale ended up becoming an unofficial parental figure to both Artie and Gus, which Gus was grateful for and Artie was happy about. The older Tale told Artie about Tales (actual facts, rather than the rumors from their orphanage), and helped Artie explore his powers. They found a fish trapped away from the main river, and Artie befriended it and named it Hashbrown. (The older Tale chose not to question his edible name choices.)

Upon graduating high school, Artie chose to go into the police force, wanting to protect his older brother and new-found parent. Although his powers weren’t obvious, it was telling that he was talking to birds and fish and everyone's pets, and his coworkers seemed constantly wary about his status as a Tale. Eventually, they asked him to transfer to the police branch in the Woods, telling him that he might be able to use his powers more usefully in there.

I guess Christmas was the only time they could transfer him...

Gus Carys

[ sibling ]

One of the few people Artie trusts. Respects and loves him a lot.


[ friend ]

An osprey bird. It gets grumpy, but can definitely trust it.


[ parental figure ]

A Tale. Admires and loves him a lot. Misses him.


[ friend ]

An alewife fish. Hesitates to release it back into the wild for fear that he'll never see it again.

Victor Adalstan

[ friend ]

A Tale. Very friendly. He was the first person Artie really interacted with in the Woods.

Xander Adalstan

[ coworker ]

A Tale. A bit intimidating. He can turn into a dragon????

Misae Ahn

[ boss ]

A Tale. Is intimidated by how much paperwork she has to go through.

Snow Bees

[ friends ]

A hivemind of bees made from snow using Misae's powers. So many new friends all at once!!!!

Adrien Sterling

[ coworker ]

A Tale. Seems tired and exhausted all the time.


[ friend ]

A cat. He's grumpy like Omelette, but a good cat. Thinks he should stop swearing in front of the tiny cats...


[ friend ]

A cat. It keeps trying to get Artie to pet it. Artie is very happy to pet it.


[ friend ]

A dog. A good boy.


[ friend ]

A bearded lizard?


[ friend ]

A cat. Very bouncy!!

Jeanne Delacroix

[ acquaintance ]

A Tale. A little unnerved by her poker face.


[ friend ]

An orange cat. It likes to climb on things.

Evan Dreschler-Parks

[ acquaintance ]

A Tale. Intimidated. Confused.

Aiden Phoenix

[ acquaintance ]

A Tale. Confused by how quickly she decided she wanted to adopt him.

Alastar Silver

[ acquaintance ]

A Tale. Finds him cute. Intimidated by his plant house. House plant.


[ friend ]

A cat. Adores it.

Calypso Detrevin

[ friend ]

A Tale. A good friend. Discovered her singer alias at a bar, but promised to keep it secret for her. Enjoys her company. Respects.

  • full name is Artichoke, goes by Artie
  • 5'4"
  • pan gray-ace
  • he gets tongue-tied when he’s talking to someone he has a crush on
  • big softie
  • he names things after foods so that he’s not the only one with a food name
  • texts Gus often
  • since talking to animals is a pretty common thing in fairy tales, Artie doesn’t actually know which fairy tale his powers come from.
  • the older Tale has since died of old age, but didn’t like the idea of going to the Woods and so had been very determinedly stayed away from it. they had told Artie to stay away as well, but he doesn’t have much of a choice now, not unless he wants to defy his superior's orders or quit the police force.
  • oblivious to things like love/flirting, mostly due to the fact that doesn't really think anyone will be interested in him? so when someone tells him upfront, he's very surprised.
  • likes animals because animals don't care if you're a Tale. animals will befriend you no matter what you are. animals are safe.
  • was dragged to the Phoenix Nest Christmas Party by Victor because he was caught alone on Christmas. spent the entire time either being dragged around by Victor and introduced to everyone or hiding in a corner trying to befriend all the animals.

Have you ever considered the existence of alternate universes?

What about parallel universes?

Worlds that co-exist alongside each other, connected only by the existence of certain people,

of certain constants.

No matter how different they may appear to be, there will always be constants that show up to bring about great changes.

The Woods : fairy tale AU

In the suburbs of New York City, fairy tales come to life in the form of magic born into the bodies of people who have been given a role in those stories. These people are called Tales, and their magic ranges from harmless to extremely dangerous. While most of the world views them as exactly their namesakes--fairy tales--the people of New York City know them for the reality that they are, and shun them into the suburbs. As a result, mafias and an independent police force have sprung up, with these Tales at their heads, keeping the peace within the Woods, as the suburbs are now called. Nobody knows if they're a Tale until they've stepped foot in the City or the Woods, and rumor has it that if you try to leave, your powers will be passed on to a loved one instead...

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