


3 years, 2 months ago


     Coralina’s dad is a pseudoscorpion anthro, and Coralina’s mom is a human. Thanks to them and their genes, and similarly to certain subspecies of pseudoscorpions, Coralina can reproduce asexually! However, she probably won’t do that, as she thinks it’s kind of freaky. A genetic copy of her running around? Freaky.

     Being part pseudoscorpion, Coralina really, really adores eating feral bugs. Her dad does as well. Not so much her mom. 

     People pay her to eat the bugs in their houses: win-win, Coralina loves eating bugs and gets paid for it, while the clients do not want an infestation and recognize how skilled she is. (Unfortunately, it’s not a win for the bugs who get eaten.) This is the main way Coralina makes a living, and any other cash she gets is from doing odd jobs around her neighbourhood. 

     I guess something nice-ish that Coralina does is avoiding eating larvae. Pseudoscorpions in real life DO eat larvae, specifically moth larvae, but Coralina doesn’t feel right eating young bugs as they haven’t had much of a chance to live their lives yet. She also really likes moths— not to eat, she genuinely likes them.

     Although Coralina is never dishonest, it’s tricky for her to open up to people at first and she tends to close herself off— this is why she first jokes around with a person a lot when getting to know them, and if the person enjoys Coralina’s company & sense of humour, it’s much easier for her to open up and truly become great friends. Many people are also turned off by a humanoid being so into eating bugs.

     Coralina’s diet does consist of some things that a regular pseudoscorpion wouldn’t have: kumquats, water, and any fruit juice. She consumes kumquats normally... that is not the case for the liquids. She thoroughly enjoys dumping buckets of juice or water on her head and then goes from there. Don’t worry, none of the liquid goes to waste— Coralina makes sure of that!

     Some more tidbits: (Tidbit #1): Although she does age, Coralina doesn’t develop wrinkles. Her skin is very sturdy! And her limbs don’t even have skin; they have exoskeletal covering. (Tidbit #2): She has a strong immune system. 

     This doesn’t have to do with Coralina specifically but, man, pseudoscorpions are really interesting animals! I highly recommend researching them a bit unless you have an aversion to arachnids!! I’m kind of uneasy about predatory behavior in nature, but I still know that that’s just how the web of life rolls. (Rolls? Spins? Is spun? Sticks? Bounces? Blurps?) Part of the reason I made this character was to be a bit more comfortable about the topic. Fahce a fear, fahce a fear, la dee doodle, you have a nice ear (x2).

Full Name: Coralina Bronwyn Gold

Gender: Female (Cis) 


  • ”She/Her/Hers/Herself”  

Species: Human/Pseudoscorpion Anthro

Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Asexual and Aromantic, except it’s kind of fluid. She might occasionally find someone very attractive, but not be attracted to them. Still, Coralina is completely disinterested in having sex and/or having a romantic relationship with anyone.

Birthday: May 6th, 1979 

Age: 41 years

Personality & Similar: Friendly, Spunky, Ambivert, Impulsive, Adventurous, Agile, Fit, Sharp, Spontaneous, Energetic, Optimistic, Cheerful, Sweet, Strong, Witty, Humorous, Goofy, Can be pretty sneaky sometimes 


  • Hobby/Hobbies: Eating bugs, Creeping up on or teasing bugs before eating them, Joking around, Stretching, Dumping buckets of water and sometimes juice on herself

  • Season: Summer 

  • Colour: Baby Blue, Lavender, Amber, Boysenberry Purple, Crepe Pink

*Last Updated: Saturday, October 2nd, 2021