Yui Maki (Yui Maki [DR])



11 months, 29 days ago


Yui Maki

Last edited 2/23/22


Name Yui Maki

Talent Mangaka

Status Alive


Ethnicity Japanese

Hair Dirty Blonde

Eye Blue

Height 5'2"

Gender Female, she/her

Sexuality Biromantic/Pansexual


Birthday July 29th, Leo


Likes Sleep, company, clean rooms, the feeling of lying down on a bed

Dislikes Messes, deadlines, otakus, unclean clothes

RP Groups

Survivor Dangan-Error

Victim DR-Distrust (Ch5)

RMS-Monoland (Ch6)


Voiceclaim Eri Kitamura

Faceclaim Akiho Senomiya

Theme info

"if you'll be my stars, i'll be your sky"
― Boats and Birds

Yui Maki is a manga artist and writer known for making shounen series. She’s best known for writing the popular manga Mirai Soul and its successor, Crimson. Mirai Soul is gaining a second series to wrap up where the first season left off, and next year Crimson will be airing as well. Crimson is still currently running in Monthly Shounen Gangan magazine.

She is joining Hope's Peak Academy as part of the 80th class as the Super High School Level Mangaka. Her works have been coming out since she was 11 and there have been only short breaks in between each series.


Yui is about to turn 18 in game, though in reality thanks to amnesia, she's 20; so she looks much like an average Japanese young adult.

She has lightly tanned skin, blue eyes, and a very thin frame. Her hair is normally found up in two pigtails with strands of hair coming down to frame her face. Her body is slightly underweight for her height, but not too badly to be a big issue. From time to time you can find her with dark circles or bags under her eyes from her bad sleeping schedule.

In the past, she has been seen with shorter hair and a more monochrome outfit made up of a brown sweater, grey shirt, and grey sweatpants. When her hair started to grow out more, she started to wear necklaces. Shortly before this current look, she could be seen wearing a similar outfit. The purple tank top was there, but the sweater was light yellow, he wore light blue capris and no skirt, and her hair was in lower ponytails.

Her school uniform isn't much different from the basic one, but she does wear capris under the skirt much like she does in her casual wear and she dons her old brown sweater under the blazer. She wears the ribbon around her neck instead of the tie. Her blazer is always buttoned up and she wears brown loafers and regular crew socks.

In her casual wear, she wears a purple tank top that's low cut and shows off some of her bra. Because the bra is a plain fabric, she just says it's a camisole. On top of that she wears a light blue sweater that is a little too big on her and slips off the shoulder easily. The sweater has two large pockets on the front that allows her to hide snacks and art supplies. She has a light yellow scarf wrapped around her neck that has the ends fall in the back and front of her. She wears a white pleated skirt with brown capris underneath. Her shoes are a simple pair of flip flops. She always puts her hair up when in casual wear.


In the past, Yui wasn't as hyper as she is now. This was due to her sickness and her job keeping her from being able to properly take care of herself. She was much slower and tired, and often could be found sleeping in different places in the school.

Now Yui is one of the nicest people you could possibly meet. She's always been a friendly person and is always willing to talk to new people. Because of this, she has a lot of friends rather than a few best friends, but she's fine with it this way. She enjoys treating her friends and even acquaintances to gifts, even if there's no holiday or birthday. It's not hard to speak to her, as very little upsets her or gets her angry, and she'll talk with you even if she has no clue what the topic is about. She's always willing to cheer people up, whether it be by gifts, jokes, or just spending time with them doing anything they want to, she's ready for it. Helping others feel better helps her feel better since others are happy.

She has a child-like charm to her, where she can be as excitable as a child and sometimes talking to her feels like talking to a stubborn six year old. This can be attributed to the fact that spent a lot of her childhood sick and didn't have much time to behave like you would expect a child to. Like stated before, she can be very stubborn and will refuse to believe things she doesn't personally believe in or think is true. She will continue to act like this in dire situations unless something really cracks down on her.


Before the Tragedy

Yui was the first-born to Naoki and Haruka Maki. Since she could remember, she was always drawing. Even her parents have told her and other friends and family that Yui has always been an artist. Morning anime always inspired her to draw with it’s beautiful animation and character design and stories. She even started making her own stories for the fun of it and sharing it with her friends and family. The child was always an energetic person, and she was always inspired. Her parents cherished every piece of artwork their daughter created, and even to this day still keep them. Her younger brother, Yori, was born when she was 6, making her an older sister. There are several pictures in frames around the house her parents lived in of Yori made by Yui.

In elementary school, Yui already had a okay art style and began working on her first manga series, Fairy Witch. She drew four volumes of it, her friend, Ayako, helping her out with the backgrounds and item details. Fairy Witch was about a fairy named Andromeda who had been captured by a witch named Annabella. Andromeda, over time, grew to become like her owner: mean and uncaring. She eventually escaped the witch and wreaked havoc across her old home. A male fairy ended up bringing Andromeda out of her bad ways and the two of them fell in love; the manga ended with the fairies getting married. It was essentially a fairy shoujo manga. It wasn't a perfect story, and it was obvious that a child had made it. But because of that, it had a charm to it that separated it from other series' like it. She got Fairy Witch published when she was 11 by a company that absolutely adored the story, astonishing several other mangakas and publishers. It never received an anime adaptation, but was very popular among young girls.

As Yui entered middle school a year later, she began feeling pains in her right arm at night and began forming tumors. Her parents took her into the emergency room on the third night it happened and found the tumors quickly. She was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a very rare cancer in children. She was admitted to the hospital soon thereafter for chemo treatments and to monitor the cancer. While in the hospital, Yui continued to draw everyday as there wasn't much to do. Her parents bought her a laptop so she could at least use the internet as well. With all this extra time out of school suddenly, Yui was able to start up a new story and flesh it out better than Fairy Witch was. She was deemed clear of the cancer a year and a half later, leaving the hospital at age 13. Because of the chemotherapy treatment, she had very little hair and often wore wigs while her hair grew out a little more. The hospital stay caused her to be held back a year as trying to juggle the sudden cancer treatment and school was too hard on Yui.

Once back in the comfort of her home and she was caught up with what she missed in school, she started properly drafting her story. Mirai Soul was about a polish woman named Cecylia from the year 2098. In this future, time travel has been successfully achieved and is a crucial thing for when society starts to go in shambles. Cecylia's job is to go back in time to save the souls of those who will help keep society from crumbling, however she can't hint that she knows the future. It was extremely action-packed and she realized it'd be hard to get out the chapters. Ayako had stopped responding to her and she hadn't even seen the other around school since she got back. She ended up taking some new friends in as assistants in case she was allowed to actually start publishing.

She submitted the series to Gangan Comics when she was about to turn 14, then gained a green light a few months later. That’s when she started up her official career as a mangaka. It wasn't long until she ended up having a messed up sleeping schedule due to it, slowing growing hard to fix insomnia and sleep spells. Her little sister, Mitsuko, was born around this time, and she did take some time off to spend helping her parents while the baby was still young. Mirai Soul was greenlit for an anime adaptation after two years of running, when it was on volume 6. The series ended after 12 volumes, each having 4 chapters. Mirai Soul gained a huge fanbase across the world, being praised for its ingenuity in the genre and concept. She was often invited to cons in America because of its popularity there. She was 16 when the series ended. By then she had already started drafting another series, and got new assistants as her old ones went on to work with other people. She knew this one would have the same impact as Mirai Soul did, but she still wanted to get this new story out there. It was called Crimson as a placeholder, but she grew fond of the simple name and kept it. Crimson was to be about an android who goes rogue after finding out that her master’s plans were for evil rather than good like he made her believe. She goes off to kill him and on the hunt for those who were helping him. At one point, a bug enters her system, causing her to malfunction and start killing anyone who’s ever done something that could be deemed as 'bad', even law breaking even to the smallest extent. A sister android gets sent out to stop her, and figure out where and why she's been killing.

After Crimson was greenlit for an anime adaptation and Mirai Soul was greenlit for a continuation anime when Yui was 17, she received a letter from Hope’s Peak Academy, inviting her to join them.

School Life

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Aliquam sodales aliquet vehicula. Etiam non tortor dui. Donec turpis purus, pellentesque tempus suscipit non, ornare sed nisl. Integer dignissim justo massa, quis venenatis risus elementum eu. In pellentesque in tortor ac fringilla. Fusce quis magna varius, lacinia elit quis, semper ante. Aenean consectetur, turpis tincidunt efficitur maximus, lacus mauris eleifend mauris, auctor malesuada nisi tortor nec ligula. Fusce laoreet dolor quam, ut rhoncus justo ornare ut. Mauris semper sed erat ac ornare.

Talent and Abilities







Your friendly neighborhood mangaka!

SHSL Mangaka

Yui is a professional mangaka, so she runs on a schedule that often doesn't give her enough sleep. Despite this, she's always sharp-witted and reactive. Yui sees her job as being able to make money doing something she loves and cares about, so she doesn't really work. With school, she's allowed more breaks, she just can't get chapters out on the same schedule anymore. She has no other aims with manga besides saving up money to hold onto in the future and get her ideas out there for the world to enjoy.

Physical Ability

Because she's so thin and small without a lot of other exercise, Yui is very weak. With adrenaline rushes she can gain a good amount of strength, but otherwise she can't do much heavy lifting.

Caption here with a link.


  • Wears reading glasses when working
  • Pockets contain but are not limited to: packaged snacks, art tools, trash
  • Suffers from mild insomnia. It doesn’t act up as much as it used to but it’s still there
  • Has been diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma in the past, has been rid of it for four years


Yui seems to like Shun, even though he is very reclused. She does her best to try and help him feel better, and it seems to work since Shun often leaves her gifts in return.

A childhood friend of Yui's, though Ayako stopped speaking to Yui after she was held back from cancer treatment.

Airi and Yui get along very well, they're best friends through thick and thin. There are hints that there is something more to their relationship, however.

Elyse and Yui are very close friends and both share the pains of bad sleeping schedules and constant art in order to finish on time.