Lucy Starner



7 years, 29 days ago

Basic Info









Defining Features

HUGE hair. Can be straight or curly. She has a bit of a curvy body shape under those loose clothes. Bridge piercing + 2 nose piercings.



Full of spunk and personality, this girl is all about learning about magic, no matter what it takes.  She is a fortune-teller. She likes to wear large, flowing dresses and put on grand performances. She’s a very excitable person and likes to hug people.


Lucy became interested in fortune telling at a very young age. She watched all the shows, read the books, perused the blogs, and even had many chats with professionals. She bought a deck of cards and tried her hand at it. She had a knack for her new hobby, and almost all her predictions came true.

She drew in many people with her exciting performances. She became very famous locally and made quite a sum of money. She even had her own internet show. Upon seeing Lucy’s success, her mother pushed herself into Lucy’s business and pushed Lucy to do more shows and make more money. Lucy and her mother did not see eye-to-eye, however, and Lucy’s mother took less interest in her daughter’s hobby than she did for the money it was bringing them. The more her mother pushed herself into the business, the worse the resentment became.

Although Lucy could not put her finger on it, she could feel that there was something more to what she was doing than simple parlor tricks. She began having real visions, and answers came unbidden to her from other people’s auras. She tried consulting other fortune tellers about this, but they all turned out to be fake.

One day, a witch came by for a reading. The witch belonged to a coven and was scouting for new magic-users. The witch saw that Lucy had real magic and began showing Lucy some of her own spells. Lucy was excited to meet her and wanted to join that witch’s coven. However, the other coven members saw Lucy’s fame as a threat to their secrecy and rescinded their offer. Lucy had been striving to learn real magic ever since.

When Lamont got possessed by his demon, Lucy knew very little of what was going on. The only information she had was what she got from his parents, which was very vague and alarming. When the demon forced Lamont to kill his parents and himself, the news said that he snapped and started killing people. Lucy found that very hard to believe and got very upset at the people around her.

A few months after Lamont’s death, Lucy received a letter from one of the coven apprentices, Katie, saying that the other coven members got kidnapped by a demon. In exchange for Lucy’s aid in tracking down the coven, Katie taught Lucy whatever magic she could in that timeframe. When Lucy was finally able to get the vision that would lead Katie to her lost coven, the two of them parted ways, Katie promising to return and continue their studies as soon as she rescued the others.

Misc Facts

  • Lucy draws on her eyebrows every morning because for as wildly fast her hair grows, she never full grew thick enough eyebrows.
  • Lucy enjoys watching Korean dramas in her spare time, and her favorite Korean actor is Gong Yoo
  • Lucy is known to be a bit of a work-a-holic by her friends and family, and even though she's still quite young I don't think she hangs out with friends or anything.