Morrigan Illumina



3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Morrigan Illumina, also goes by Morry

Age: 23

Race: Two-thirds human, one-third succubus

Gender: Agender, they/them pronouns

Occupation: Helps out around their family's shop but also takes on various jobs outside of that. Witch in training who also dabbles in necromancy

Orientation: Pansexual, in a relationship

About: Morrigan is a very curious person and has a natural affinity for magic. The strange and unusual fascinate them and they have spent most of their life dreaming of seeing far off places full of mystic and magic. They are very soft spoken and level headed with a kind and caring heart. They love their melting pot of a family very much but the house and woods they grew up in are starting to feel too small; they long to experience new things and places and gradually their dreams are being realized.

Quinnian Illumina--Doting father and the one who taught them the majority of what they know. They are very close and Morry loves and looks up to him a great deal.
Jullian Illumina--Mother and the one who taught them most of their basic schooling. There is a bit of distance between them, but Morry loves them just as much as their father.
Taxidermy--Morry's best friend in the entire world; they're closer to him than anyone else. There are few to no secrets between them and Taxi was always there while Morry was growing up.
Roman--Like an uncle to them, Roman was always there right alongside Taxi.
Steyvion--Their lover and an old family friend Morrigan never really got to know thanks to the tension between Vion and their mother. Morry trusts Vion a good deal because no matter how difficult things may have been he was always open, honest, and kind to them and made sure to keep them safe in new and potentially dangerous situations. They trust Vion to be their guide and if need be protector as they explore new places together.