


3 years, 2 months ago


Name zacharias bathory
Age four years
Species feline
Gender male
Status str8 vibing
Basic Info



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit amet. Tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus. Pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum nisi quis. Lacus viverra vitae congue eu. Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut diam. Ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit amet. Tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus. Pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum nisi quis. Lacus viverra vitae congue eu. Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut diam. Ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce.

  • (currently being edited lmao) quiet and shadowy, it's possible that he even comes off as a little shy around others. though he often declines giving any meaningful opinions, feeling it's the best way to remain seen as impartial, he is surprisingly quick to form his thoughts on others and tends toward holding grudges- but they are, by and large, grudges that are not as permanent as one might guess from his characteristically stoic front. perhaps due to his upbringing, zacharias employs a surprising sense of honor. he's quick to latch onto goals he deems worthy and good and tends to devote himself to them as much as possible. if able, he prefers to keep to himself and deal with all others in a careful, guiding sort of way, offering his input only when asked and then going back to work in the background. he isn't entirely reserved to this behaviour, though; time and time again, he has somehow managed to put himself in between those he cares about and trouble without much thought. the view he holds of people and the world as a whole is that it is all something that can be mended, molded into something greater; it's a holdover from his past life to want to see things in a good light. deep down, it's obvious he never quite grew out of the child's desire to be a hero - he's just become better at burying it.


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fur color dark grey
eye color crimson
height 16 in
tba tba
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Design Notes

  • a simple longhaired feline, lean-built and taller than average, covered in a deep, storm grey hue broken by flashes of ghostly white on his chest and all four paws. underneath both eyes of transformed crimson lay a scatter of spots of the same white. from his crown sprouts a pair of horns, curved and of a midnight hue. as for the unnatural aspects of his profile, the shade feline's face is more often than not adorned in paint; from his eyes fall streaks of red, the ominous hue streaking down his chin and over his eyes - all old painting that once held meaning, but now serves as but a pale reminder of a long and very different past. common additions to his visage are the golden nose and ear piercings, connected by a chain, and the kodachi that rarely leaves his side

the forest

zacharias' story, as far as he remembers, begins to unfold in the embrace of the trees. an empire in a great avian forest, hawkclan, as it was known at the time, was the first of the civilized clans he settled in purely by the chance of being the first he came across after leaving his supposed birthplace in the lands beyond any borders. not quite a child, but not quite an adult, the feline kept to his own while learning the ways of living in a larger society - but life in hawclan was not something he ever got the chance to fully adjust to. not long after his arrival, the feline's life ended there in the forest, claimed under unknown circumstances. if you asked him, he wouldn't, and couldn't, tell you what happened. the details have since been blurred by both time and an unwillingness to dwell on them, his distant past one he would much rather forget entirely.
the desert

a number of years pass in the world before zacharias gets the chance to walk it once more: one fateful day, he is called from the grave to travel the earth, wandering until he reaches the edge of a desert far to the north. it is here in the red cult he settles, compelled by a force to remain in the sands - a force unknowable to him until the day the sky splits and the god of the cult's worship dismantles the society's rankings, declaring it a reset to quell dissent and restore order. upon witnessing the dark deity, he feels as if he understands his purpose for being lifted from the beyond; from then on, he chooses to vehemently devote his energy to furthering the things the god decreed, eventually becoming part of the church after sacrifice upon sacrifice. at first, his motivation in the cult was primarily to take his life into his own hands, something that was taken from him upon his first death; but after seeing the god descend and learning the ways of the cult's longstanding beliefs, zacharias begins to believe his purpose in this second chance at life is to work towards putting an end to the infighting within them and uniting the cult under the god's teachings - words of power in unity, and a promise that they would be the greatest force in the lands if only they learned to come together. these are the words the devout feline lives by until his very last days in the frigid desert, throughout months of tension and his rise to power as a warlord. but the chance to fulfill his purpose never quite comes - out of the blue, a prophecy reaches them, one that warns of their destruction if they fail to live up to the god's wants; and while many attempt to do just that, the cult, after several weeks of living at their deity's mercy, ultimately fail to unite for the very last time. the god descends once again and declares their defeat. it is during this period of unrest that zacharias ascends to the throne following the successive retirements of the former king and the queen after him, and while it is an occasion he long hoped for, wanting terribly to hold the power capable of achieving what he believes to be his life's reason, his reign is the final one the cult ever sees; soon after the failure of the prophecy, it comes to be known that the being professing to be their god is no god at all, but a powerful spirit wearing the face of their patron in order to do the bidding of thus unknown forces laying somewhere else in the world. with the disproving of the god he believed so dearly in, and the infighting within the dwindling remnants of the once powerful cult growing with each day, the king leaves the desert one last time, feeling there is nothing left there but a pack of selfish wolves - not a clan.
the island

zacharias' travels span months, but they eventually do take him somewhere. on the shores of the sea of ghosts, the former priest-king has a run-in with a number of unlikely faces: former members of the old cult, those who had been run out before the end. feeling as if this familiarity is the only thing he has left, he joins the group settled there on an island far out from the mainland - the offshore. it is here that he currently lives, trying to make sense of just what his purpose truly is now.


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